Saturday, July 23, 2016

Teacher: Special Education: Visually Impaired - Worcester Public Schools - Worcester, MA


REPORTS TO: Department Head –Vision Department


This teaching position is responsible for assessing and providing direct instruction to students who are visually impaired or blind in areas specific to their needs as visually impaired or blind learners. Teachers of the Visually Impaired are also responsible for making recommendations for appropriate accommodations and assisting the classroom teacher with those accommodations to ensure that students who are low vision, blind or visually impaired have access to the school curriculum and the school community and are educated in the least restrictive environment.

1. Provide direct instruction in academic areas requiring adaptation and reinforcement as a direct result of visual impairment or blindness – in particular preschool concepts/skills and beginning reading/writing/math. This includes pre-teaching new skills to provide access to the curriculum and previewing the content of lessons to be taught in class

2. Provide consultation and in service to staff members for the purpose of helping teachers become familiar with the unique educational needs and learning characteristics of students with visual impairment, providing information to classroom teachers, certified orientation and mobility specialists (COMS), and therapists (O.T., P.T., Speech, etc.) regarding teaching strategies for students with visual impairments — suggest ways to adapt materials and present lessons in ways that are most meaningful to these students

3. Interpret medical eye reports and functional vision assessments to help school personnel, including teachers of special subjects (gym, music, art, etc.), understand the student’s eye condition and its implications for learning

4. Make recommendations regarding the physical environment: lighting conditions, seating, positioning of materials, glare reduction, safe/efficient movement around the classroom, equipment use and storage

5. Prepare instructional Braille lessons and transcribe print to Braille and Braille to print. Create books, worksheets, maps, charts and graphs with adaptations for tactual learning help the paraprofessional to acquire basic Braille reading/writing skills and to use computerized Braille translation systems

6. Teachers must remain up to date on best practices including the areas of Braille literacy skills, sensory stimulation, the use of low vision aides such as magnifiers and CCTVs, concept development for students who are blind, tactual skills, slate and stylus, use of computers and other assistive technology devices or software specialized for low vision or blind learners, visual efficiency skills, organization and study skills, social skill development of visually impaired or blind learners, self-advocacy for students who have a disability, and transition planning

7. Train the paraprofessional to work effectively with the student, to adapt materials appropriately, and to use specialized equipment

8. Observe classes and meet regularly with the classroom teacher, parents, and other specialists/therapists to evaluate and coordinate the student’s program and services

9. Plan with/confer with staff and other providers in all areas of the expanded core curriculum for visually impaired learners: orientation & mobility, social interaction skills, independent living skills, recreation and leisure skills, career education, use of assistive technology, and visual efficiency skills (in addition to the compensatory skills and communication modes listed in section A) Note: Consultation in these areas may sometimes involve personnel outside of the school

10. Provide staff, students and parents information regarding additional sources of materials and support for students who are low vision or blind

11. Travel between schools and community based locations to provide instruction to students

12. In all cases, serve as an active member of the student’s educational Team, helping to develop the IEP supporting a student in the least restrictive environment

13. Responsible for assuring equal educational opportunity to all individuals regardless of race, color, gender, age, marital status, religion, gender identity, national origin, sexual orientation, homelessness, or disability.

14. Performance of other job-related duties as assigned.

1. Massachusetts licensure in Special Education – Vision

2. SEI Endorsement or ESL licensure

3. Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist

1. Master’s Degree

2. Experience in providing professional development for teachers

3. Excellent presentation and facilitation skills

4. Strong organizational skills

5. Ability to speak Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Vietnamese, Albanian, or an African Language.

6. Demonstrated experience supporting students with special needs

7. Demonstrated experience with second language acquisition

WORK DAY: Teachers’ work day

WORK YEAR: Teachers’ work year

SALARY: Appropriate step on Teachers’ salary schedule

TO APPLY: Any person interested in this position should submit a resume, cover letter, and answer all questions online at This information must be submitted on-line on or before April 15, 2016.

This deadline does not preclude further advertisement or recruitment

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