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Wednesday, August 17, 2016
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FBT Specialist

Work experience in the respective field is an advantage.

Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science / Computer Engineering / Telecommunication.
Master degree will be an advantage.

Interested candidates should apply online through
Deadline of application August 31, 2016

We will be glad to interview all candidates selected from the CV screening


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IPTV Specialist

Work experience in the respective field is an advantage.

University Degree in Telecommunication/ Computer Science / Computer Engineering /Electronic Engineering. Master degree will be an advantage.

Interested candidates should apply online through
Deadline of application is August 31, 2016

We will be glad to interview all candidates selected from the CV screening


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MSS Unit Specialist

Work experience in the telecommunication field core network.

University Degree in Telecommunication / Computer Science / Computer Engineering /Electronic Engineering. Master degree is an advantage.

Interested candidates should apply online through
Deadline of application August 31, 2016

We will be glad to interview all candidates selected from the CV screening


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Specialist Marketingu

DIGICOM eshte njё nga kompanitё mё inovatore tё komunikimit ne Shqiperi. Sepse pёr ne komunikimi ёshtё i rёndёsishёm Kemi investuar nё teknologjinё e rrjetit me fibra optike dhe IP. Ҫdo ditё, shumё kliente i besojnё teknologjisё sё rrjetit tonё me fibra optike.Jo shumё kompani kanё shansin pёr tё ndryshuar jetёn e njerёzve nёpёrmjet inovacionit. Ne e bёjmё!

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Quality Assurance Specialist

DIGICOM eshte njё nga kompanitё mё inovatore tё komunikimit ne Shqiperi. Sepse pёr ne komunikimi ёshtё i rёndёsishёm Kemi investuar nё teknologjinё e rrjetit me fibra optike dhe IP. Ҫdo ditё, shumё kliente i besojnё teknologjisё sё rrjetit tonё me fibra optike.Jo shumё kompani kanё shansin pёr tё ndryshuar jetёn e njerёzve nёpёrmjet inovacionit. Ne e bёjmё!

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Business Development Specialist - Earn 1000+ EURO

Do you speak ENGLISH fluently?
Do you want to work for INTERNATIONAL company?
Do you want to earn 1000+ per month?
Are you interested in SALES?

Apply for our job opening and become Business Development Specialist in Allan Lloyds!

Allan Lloyds provides business conferences, summits and seminars with global coverage that 
serve as independent discussion platforms with high level managers from leading companies in industries like Pharma, Banking, Telecom, Gas & Petroleum, and more.
Through extensive research with, and direction from, Fortune 500 companies we strive to ensure that our clients are provided with the business intelligence to drive their companies forward.


– Full training
– Daily communication in English
– Highly motivating commission structure
– Opportunity for fast career progress
– Chance to work directly in international projects
– Opportunity to learn and gain business experience in multiple industries.

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Teknik Servisi (Mekanik)

Caterpillar është prodhuesi më i madh dhe më i njohur ne botë i pajisjeve dhe makinerive të rënda për levizjen e dherave, të sistemeve për prodhimin e energjisë dhe të motorëve, dhe që arrin deri tek konsumatorët fundorë nëpermjet dilerave në çdo vend të botës.

Teknoxgroup Shqiperi sh.p.k. që është dileri zyrtar për territorin e Republikës se Shqiperise, për shitjen dhe mbështetjen me servis dhe pjesë të ndërrimit të makinave Caterpillar, sic janë makinat e ndërtimit, gjeneratorët, pirunët etj, eshte duke kerkuar profesioniste per pozicionin e:


Jemi në kërkim të personave të rinj në moshë dhe të profilit teknik te interesuar të punojnë në shërbimin e mirëmbajtjes dhe mbështetjes teknike, te gatshëm për të mësuar më shumë dhe te orientuar drejt zgjidhjes së problemeve, me njohuri dhe aftësi të mira teknike dhe me një orientim te qartë ndaj klientelës.

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UNDP - Driver 2 - Tirana

(kliko per te pare oferten)
kliko per tu bere fan

Vacancy End Date: 19/08/2016 (Midnight New York, USA)

– Secondary education completed;
– Valid driving license(category B);

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B2B Sales Executive

Digicom Sh.p.k ofron :

• Pagë motivuese + Bonus

• Shpërblime mbi bazën e performancës

• Mundësi trajnimi dhe promovimi

Te interesuarit te dergojne CV-ne e tyre ne adresen: [email protected]

Zyra Digicom shpk
Rr. Dervish Hima, Nr.1, Ada Tower, Kati 1 ( ish TV Klan Zyrat)Tirane, Shqiperi
[email protected] Digicom

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Perfaqesues Shitjesh

ORPC Albania Shpk eshte nje kompani perfaqesuese e disa prej markave kryesore Italiane ne fushen e Produkteve te Pastrimit si Detergjente dhe Aksesore me nje histori 10 vjecare ne tregun Shqiptar.
Per zgjerimin e kapaciteteve të veta kerkon
4 Agjente Shitjesh (Femra) per qytetin e Tiranes te moshes 20 deri 40 vjec
4 Agjente Shitjesh (Meshkuj) per qytetin e Tiranes te moshes 20 deri 40 vjec

Kandidatet përzgjedhur për këtë pozitë do të marrin trajnimin e nevojshem për tregun e Detergjenteve dhe Produkteve te Pastrimit i cili është gjithnjë në rritje e sipër.

Kushte dhe ambient shume i mire pune
Trajnimet e nevojshme per kryerjen e detyrave te percaktuara
Page mujore teper e kenaqeshme.
Bonuse mujore mbi targeted e arritura.
Niveli i shperblimit financiar mujor (Page + Bonuse fillon nga 45.000 Leke/Muaj) ne baze dhe te arritjes se target minimal te caktuar.
Kontrate e rregullt pune mbi bazen e legjislacionit ne fuqi.

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Finance Controller - Tirana

(kliko per te pare oferten)
kliko per tu bere fan

Ideal candidate for the position:
· Minimum 5 years’ experience in Finance / Accounting
  o Including min. 2 years’ experience on similar /controlling position
· Academic Background in Finance / accounting / Controlling

· Good English as reporting and communication language within the Group
· Open for new challenges
· Willing to learn, develop
· Team spirit personality –
  o support for business manager
  o cooperation with floor workers on implementation of business processes and procedures
· any experience in startup processes – highly appreciated

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Personal Banker with Loan Profile for Durres Agency

Necessary documents:
Application letter and CV in English.

All applications will be treated in strict confidentiality. Based on the law Nr.9887, date 10.03.2008 “For personal data protection” as amended, article 12 -17, the personal information deposited for the employment aplication will be used only for this purpose.

Applications will be accepted up to September 10, 2016.

Documents will be received at the following address: “Deshmoret e Kombit” Blvd., Twin Towers, Tower 2, 15th Floor, Tirana, Albania.

E-mail address: [email protected]

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UNDP - Driver 1- Tirana

workinginalbania nuk është përgjegjës për përmbajtjen e informacionit të postuar, nuk është agjenci punësimi dhe qëllimi është t’ju transmetojë ofertat e publikuara nga një sit tjetër ose të dërguara nëpërmjet postës elektronike.

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Mekanik BMW

H.L Group BMW importues ekskluzive i markes BMW dhe MINI ne shqiperi kerkon te punesoje ne pozicionin “Mekanik BMW”.

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Home Health (Community) Outreach Worker - Hospital - New York, NY

Home Health (Community) Outreach Worker


New York, NY

We are seeking 10 Outreach Specialists to work with our Health Home program in our various facilities. We are seeking candidates who speak the below listed languages.

Home Health program works in partnership with medical and behavioral health providers.

Our team of Care Coordinators works closely with networks of clinical service providers to manage identify need, stabilize participants and reduce heath care costs.

This job you will conducts telephone, written, face to face outreach and retention services to coordinate care.

Bilingual is a plus if you have the following bilingual skills:

Provide telephone written face to face outreach and orientation services for each eligible client in order to facilitate enrollment and retention.

Lots of follow up services

A lot of reports to be written

Plenty of opportunities to growth and advancement.

A Huge plus if you are bilingual in the following languages:

  • Chinese/Spanish

  • Spanish

  • Albanian/Spanish

  • Bengali, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog, Chinese, Korean

  • Haitian Creole/Spanish

  • Russian/Bengali

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Tuesday, August 16, 2016
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Technical Analyst role; MXML; XSLT; XML; Murex; FX system

Albania – Technical Analyst role; MXML; XSLT; XML; Murex; FX Risk Management system. You will require a high degree of technical and business knowledge about financial products with focus on exchange technology. With experience of Windows NT /UNIX/SQL/JAVA development. Location ZurichDa…

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Monday, August 15, 2016
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Koordinatore ne Departamentin e Rezervimeve



Koordinatore ne Departamentin e Rezervimeve.

Kandidatet duhet të plotësojnë këto kritere:

– Të kenë mbaruar arsimin e lartë Dega Turizëm, Menaxhim, Marketing ose Gjuhe Angleze.
– Të njohin shumë mirë gjuhën angleze dhe italiane (kusht i domosdoshëm), njohja e një gjuhe të tretë përbën avantazh.
– Të kenë mbi 3 vjet experience ne pozicione te ngjashme. Përbën avantazh eksperienca në fushën e hoteleri-turizmit.
– Të kenë aftësi shumë të mira komunikuese, të dijnë të punojne në grup .
– Të kenë njohuri të mira të programeve bazë kompjuterike si edhe internetit.
– Të kenë prezencë të mirë.

Të gjitha kriteret e mësipërme duhet të jenë të shoqëruara me referencat përkatëse me numra kontakti.

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Inxhinier Zbatimi

Të gjithë të interesuarit, janë të lutur që të dërgojnë CV nëpërmjet adresës së e-mailit [email protected] ose te plotesojne formularin e aplikimit ne faqen zyrtare ne seksionin “apliko online”.
Afati i fundit i aplikimit është data 01 Shtator 2016, ora 17:00.
* Vetëm kandidatët e përzgjedhur do të kontaktohen.
* Gener-2 merr përsipër që të dhënat e kandidatëve të trajtohen në konfidencialitet të plotë.

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Database Engineer/Database Developer

Required Skills:

• Good written and reading English skills

• Strong knowledge in SQL schema design, architecture, implementation, optimization, replication, support and administration

• 2+ years of experience with PHP development using frameworks such as Yii and Laravel

• Extensive experience with slow query debugging tools and techniques

• Some experience working with large databases

• Ability to work to a schedule and meet deadlines

• Interest and discipline to work effectively from home

Desired Skills:
• Good English speaking skills
• Experience with Amazon Web Services, especially AWS database solutions
• Experience with NoSQL databases
• Experience with Entity Framework or other ORM (Object Relational Mapping)

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Consultant for our Tax Department

PwC ( is a global network of 208,000 people, with member firm offices in 157 countries.
PwC provides industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services to build public trust and enhance value for its clients and their stakeholders. We believe in creating and sustaining value, building trust through dedication to quality, attracting and retaining outstanding people and demonstrating leadership through sound governance and transparency. We use our networks to draw on the experience, industry knowledge and business understanding of our people.

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Home Health (Community) Outreach Worker - Hospital - New York, NY

We are seeking 10 Outreach Specialists to work with our Health Home program in our various facilities. We are seeking candidates who speak the below listed $13 an hour
From careerbuildergulf – Mon, 15 Aug 2016 19:55:08 GMT – View all New York jobs

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Sportelist – Arketare / Dega Durres

Çfarë ofrojmë ne:

Një paketë financiare shumë të mirë dhe konkurruese. Atmosfere dinamike dhe grup punë në rritje. Zhvillim personal dhe profesional të vazhdueshëm.

Të interesuarit të dërgojnë CV me foto bashkë me një letër interesi në adresën e më poshtme:

Email: [email protected]

Vetëm kandidatët të cilët përmbushin kriteret do të përzgjidhen dhe do të njoftohen për intervistë pranë Departamentit te Burimeve Njerezore të Credins Bank.

Aplikimet duhet të dorëzohen brenda datës 02.08.2016

*Shënim – Politika e Privatësisë.

Credins Bank sh.a. deklaron se i përpunon të dhënat personale të aplikanteve mbështetur në Ligjin Nr. 9887, datë 10.3.2008, “Për mbrojtjen e të dhënave personale” dhe Udhëzimin Nr.42 datë 22.07.2014 “Për përpunimin e të dhënave personale të kandidatëve për punë”. Banka ofron sisteme të larta sigurie me qëllim për të garantuar sigurinë e të dhënave personale që përpunon
Aplikantët kanë të drejtë të kërkojnë korrigjimin ose fshirjen e të dhënave personale të tyre. Për të ushtruar këtë të drejtë ata duhet të kontaktojnë në [email protected]

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Sportelist - Arketare / Dega Gjirokaster

Çfarë ofrojmë ne:
Një paketë financiare shumë të mirë dhe konkurruese. Atmosfere dinamike dhe grup punë në rritje. Zhvillim personal dhe profesional të vazhdueshëm.
Të interesuarit të dërgojnë CV me foto bashkë me një letër interesi në adresën e më poshtme:
Email: [email protected]

Vetëm kandidatët të cilët përmbushin kriteret do të përzgjidhen dhe do të njoftohen për intervistë pranë Departamentit te Burimeve Njerezore të Credins Bank.

Aplikimet duhet të dorëzohen brenda datës 12.09.2016

*Shënim – Politika e Privatësisë.

Credins Bank sh.a. deklaron se i përpunon të dhënat personale të aplikanteve mbështetur në Ligjin Nr. 9887, datë 10.3.2008, “Për mbrojtjen e të dhënave personale” dhe Udhëzimin Nr.42 datë 22.07.2014 “Për përpunimin e të dhënave personale të kandidatëve për punë”. Banka ofron sisteme të larta sigurie me qëllim për të garantuar sigurinë e të dhënave personale që përpunon
Aplikantët kanë të drejtë të kërkojnë korrigjimin ose fshirjen e të dhënave personale të tyre. Për të ushtruar këtë të drejtë ata duhet të kontaktojnë në [email protected]

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Sportelist - Arketare / Dega Shijak

Çfarë ofrojmë ne:
Një paketë financiare shumë të mirë dhe konkurruese. Atmosfere dinamike dhe grup punë në rritje. Zhvillim personal dhe profesional të vazhdueshëm.
Të interesuarit të dërgojnë CV me foto bashkë me një letër interesi në adresën e më poshtme:
Email: [email protected]

Vetëm kandidatët të cilët përmbushin kriteret do të përzgjidhen dhe do të njoftohen për intervistë pranë Departamentit te Burimeve Njerezore të Credins Bank.

Aplikimet duhet të dorëzohen brenda datës 12.09.2016

*Shënim – Politika e Privatësisë.

Credins Bank sh.a. deklaron se i përpunon të dhënat personale të aplikanteve mbështetur në Ligjin Nr. 9887, datë 10.3.2008, “Për mbrojtjen e të dhënave personale” dhe Udhëzimin Nr.42 datë 22.07.2014 “Për përpunimin e të dhënave personale të kandidatëve për punë”. Banka ofron sisteme të larta sigurie me qëllim për të garantuar sigurinë e të dhënave personale që përpunon
Aplikantët kanë të drejtë të kërkojnë korrigjimin ose fshirjen e të dhënave personale të tyre. Për të ushtruar këtë të drejtë ata duhet të kontaktojnë në [email protected]

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Hospitality Service Specialist

Provides accurate and timely information about the cruise services, handles complaints and requests from the Guest in order to deliver an effective, courteous and professional service

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Language Interpreter - Access 2 Interpreters, LLC - Columbus, OH

Language Interpreter

Access 2 Interpreters, LLC

17 reviews

Columbus, OH

$20 an hour

– Contract

Language Interpreter – Choose Your Own Hours
Face to Face (not video or telephone) Interpretation

WHO WE ARE: Access 2 Interpreters, LLC , is the largest local interpretation business in Columbus.
As a face-to-face interpreter, you’ll use your language skills to assist others during medical, social service and other types of appointments. Interpreting with Access is a great way to earn money. The more you assignments you take, the more you can earn. It’s perfect for those looking for a flexible schedule with good pay, and using your unique bilingual skills to help those in need is very rewarding.
What you need to know:

  • You can earn good money.

  • As a contractor, you decide your own schedule.

  • Assignments are available 24/7/365 .

  • Your bilingual skills are in high demand .


  • Have a High School Diploma

  • Native speaker of the language you will be interpreting.

  • Be friendly and excited to earn money on your schedule!

Additional Information:
If you have previous experience in interpreting from English to any other language (such as Akan, Albanian, American Sign Language, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Asante, Azari, Barawa, Bengali, Berber, Bhutanese, Bosnian, Burmese, Cambodian, Cantonese, Chinese (Mandarin), Dari, Ewe, Falam Chin, Fante, Farsi, French, Fulani, Ga, German, Greek, Gujarti, Haitian Creole, Hakha Chin, Hausa, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Kabyle, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Krio, Lao, Laotion, Korean, Kunama, Maay Maay, Macedonian, Mandingo, Mizo, Nepali, Oromo, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Pushto, Romanian, Rundi, Russian, Rwanda, Serbian, Sierra Leone Creole, Slovak, Somali, Soninke, Sorani, Spanish, Sudanese Arabic, Swahili, Tagalog, Tamazight, Tamil, Telugu, Tigrinya, Thai, Toishanese, Turkish, Twi, Ukranian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Wolof, Zomi) we encourage you to consider joining the Access 2 Interpreters team and earn great money. We also welcome those who have no previous professional interpretation experience. Please contact us today to discuss the opportunities!

Job Type: Contract

Salary: $20.00 /hour

Job Location:

Required education:

  • High school or equivalent

Required language:

Required license or certification:

» Apply Now

Please review all application instructions before applying to Access 2 Interpreters, LLC.

17 reviews

Whether you need to communicate with a patient or client, train a bilingual staff member, or negotiate a business deal with an overseas…

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Menaxher i Shitjes

Kompania: VIBTIS shpk
Vendodhja: Blv. Deshmoret e Kombit, Kullat Binjake, Tower2,
Fusha Aktivitetit: Industri

Pozicioni i Punes : Menaxher i Shitjes
Departamenti: Departameti i Shitjeve, Raporton tek Shefi i Departamentit
Tipi i punes: Kohe e Plote

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Assistente Amministrativa

Ju ftojmë të bëheni pjesë e portalit profesional të punësimit, aty ku punëdhënësi dhe punëkërkuesi takohen sëbashku.

Nëse jeni një punëkërkues në kërkim të një pune, klikoni më poshtë Punëkërkues për të proceduar më tej me regjistrimin tuaj.

Nëse jeni një kompani në kërkim të punonjësve të rinj të kualifikuar, klikoni më poshtë Punëdhënës, për tu regjistruar si kompani.

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Shitëse në Show room

Kompania Toren kërkon të punësojë një Shitëse Prezantuese në Show room-in e saj të ri në Tiranë.

– Duhet të ketë eksperiencë mundësisht në fushën e ndricimit dhe sanitarisë.
– Duhet të jetë femër e moshës 25 deri në 35 vjec.
– Të jetë komunikuese, bashkëpunuese dhe të ketë aftësi të mira të punës në grup.

Kandidatet e interesuara janë të lutura të kontaktojnë në: [email protected]

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Sunday, August 14, 2016
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Plumbing foreman

Melan, Dibër – Construction plumber I am looking for a job urgently…

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Code 11 Tipper driver Required

Melan, Dibër – Must have at least 6 years experience and Prdp. Good Knowledge of tippers…

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Electrical Foreman / Montague Gardens

Melan, Dibër – A well established Electrical Contracting Company is seeking to employ an Electrical Foreman to supervise small to medium sized construction projects. Must have extensive knowledge and experience in commercial, residential and Industrial type electrical installations. The succe…

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Human Resources Officer

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe – Tirana – Apply for this post Apply for this post Your citizenship: Issued by: OSCE Presence in Albania Vacancy number: VNALBS00310 Field of expertise: Human Resources Management Functional level Senior professional Number of posts: 1 Duty station: Tirana Date…

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Team Leader i Skuadres se Promocionit

Pershkrim i pergjithshem mbi profilin e shoqerise:

ABISSNET eshte kompania e dyte me e madhe ne vend qe kryen veprimtarinë e saj në fushën e telekomunikavionit, duke ofruar shërbime të internetit , telefonisë fikse ,More Tv , hosting e tj për klientët në të gjithë territorin e Shqipërisë.

Për fuqizimin e personelit dhe zhvillimin e njësive, ne kërkojmë të punësojmë:
Team Leader per Skuadren e Promocionit

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Saturday, August 13, 2016
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Freelance Interpreter - Connect Language Services - Indianapolis, IN

Freelance Interpreter

Connect Language Services

Indianapolis, IN


We are currently hiring Freelance Interpreters for the following languages. If there is a language you are interested in starting to interpret for, Please visit the Careers page to learn more and request info. Our webpage: WWW.CLSINDY.COM.
Languages we are hiring for:

  • Albanian

  • ASL

  • Arabic

  • Armenian

  • Belarusian

  • Bengali

  • Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian

  • Bulgarian

  • Burmese

  • Cambodian

  • Chin

  • Chinese-Mandarin

  • Chinese-Cantonese

  • Czech

  • Danish

  • Dari

  • Dutch

  • Ethiopian-Amharic

  • Ethiopian-Tigrinya

  • Farsi

  • Filipino

  • French

  • German

  • Grebo

  • Greek

  • Hebrew

  • Hindi

  • Hmong

  • Hungarian

  • Indonesian

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Karen

  • Korean

  • Laotian

  • Latvian

  • Lithuanian

  • Matu

  • Mizo

  • Mongolian

  • Nepali

  • Norwegian

  • Persian/Farsi

  • Polish

  • Portuguese

  • Romanian

  • Russian

  • Slovene

  • Somali

  • Solomonese

  • Spanish

  • Swahili

  • Swedish

  • Tagalog

  • Thai

  • Turkish

  • Ukrainian

  • Urdu

  • Vietnamese


  • Successful completion of a formal program in medical interpreting.

  • Progressive experience in medical translation and interpretation including working with diverse organizations, multi-cultural environments.

  • Demonstrated accurate ability to interpret verbal and transcribe written medical and rehabilitative information in both the foreign language as well as English language.

  • Demonstrated knowledge and understanding or cultural differences that exist within cultures.

  • Adherence to code of ethics and confidentiality.

  • Demonstrated strong interpersonal skills, decision making ability to manage caseload and time; ability to maintain professionalism and intervene when necessary; ability to prioritize work schedule.

  • Ability to manage caseload and time; able to travel between patient care areas and off-site facilities.

  • Ability to sustain a busy and flexible work schedule.

Job Type: Contract

Required education:

  • High school or equivalent

Required experience:

  • Interpretation or Translation: 1 year

» Apply Now

Please review all application instructions before applying to Connect Language Services.

CLS is dedicated to providing professional interpretation and translation services throughout the State of Indiana. Our interpreters and…

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Babysitter Needed For 2 Children In North San Jose - San Jose, CA

Babysitter Needed For 2 Children In North San Jose

San Jose, CA


We are looking for a part time sitter 8-10 hours per week to watch or 2 energetic toddlers. Hours are flexible, but generally we would like someone from 9-12 and the occasional date night. My boys, 3 and 2, love parks, crafts, and imaginary play. Applicant must have experience in working with toddlers.

I am looking for someone who enjoys the outdoors, arts & crafts (nothing too fancy) and in general keeps the kids entertained and engaged. We are a bilingual household. Speaking Albanian is a huge plus but not required.

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Worcester HEARS Support Team - Behavioral Health Specialist - Worcester Public Schools - Worcester, MA


SUBJECT: Worcester HEARS Support Team – Behavioral Health Specialist

REPORTS TO: Chief Academic Officer, HEARS Principals


This position is accountable for the delivery of social casework services to students; to identify a student’s needs and to make use of internal and community resources to help bring about positive changes so as to function to his/her fullest potential in the school and community through actions consistent with the policies of the Worcester Public schools and relevant state laws and regulations.

1. Assist with Worcester HEARS related activities across all five Worcester HEARS school sites.

2. Assist Worcester HEARS schools in connecting with behavioral health agencies

3. Assist Worcester HEARS school sites during severe student behavioral health crisis

4. Assist school personnel in counseling and behavioral health intervention services

5. Assist in pre-referral conferences with school personnel in a team context for the appropriate intervention for a student.

6. Assist school personnel during individual and/or group short-term counseling with, or otherwise assisting referred students.

7. Responsible for cooperating and consulting as a team member with teachers, principals and other school personnel for

purposes of diagnosing, evaluating and recommending interventions for the adjustment of students.

8. Responsible for providing crisis intervention and conflict resolution services when requested by school personnel.

9. Responsible for making home visits to parents of referred students and counseling with parents at school and in the home to

help them understand the social, emotional and academic needs of the student.

10. Assist school personnel in serving as a referral agent and case manager for the student and parent(s) in developing a network

of social services with community agencies.

11. Responsible for assisting in providing career education awareness.

12. Assist school staff in compiling, summarizing, maintaining, and submitting data or other records of pupils referred for appraisal to appropriate school personnel.

13. Responsible for safeguarding the student’s right to privacy against disclosure of information in the student’s case history, or if disclosures of confidences during counseling within the framework of applicable laws and systemwide policies.

14. Responsible for being knowledgeable and conforming to state and systemwide regulations and guidelines on student records.

15. Responsible for assuring equal educational opportunity to all individuals regardless of race, color, gender, age, marital status, religion, natural origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, homelessness, or disability.

16. Participate in Worcester HEARS Community of Practice working group

17. Perform other job-related duties as assigned.

1. Licensed Mental Health Clinician (LMHC) by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

2. Evidence of mastery of social case work techniques.

3. Ability to understand the dynamics of families from various cultural backgrounds.

4. Two years’ experience working with school-age children and their families.

5. Familiarity in working with consultants, resource personnel, community groups, etc.

6. Ability to produce concise reports concerning relevant developmental, social, and medical information.

7. Group work experience.

8. Ability to deal with typical issues, such as eating disorders, pregnancy, alcohol and other drug abuse, sexual identity, family conflict, and physical, sexual and psychological abuse.

9. Prior experience delivering Professional Development to adults

10. Willingness to visit students’ homes throughout the Worcester community.

1. Ability to speak Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Vietnamese, Albanian, or an African Language.

2. Training and experience in conflict resolution techniques.

3. Experience working in schools and/or social service agencies with clients from culturally and socio-economically diverse backgrounds.

4. Experience in providing consultation services, including workshops to professionals relative to child development, behavior modification, adolescent issues, etc.

5. Demonstrated experience supporting students with special needs

6. Demonstrated experience with second language acquisition

7. Licensure as a School Adjustment Counselor, with SEI Endorsement.

WORK YEAR: School Year with 10 days over the summer.

WORK DAY: 8 hour days, five days per week. Hours will be flexible to accommodate the needs of a variety of schools, with different start/end times.

SALARY: $60,000 per year

Note: This is a grant funded position, and is subject to grant approval. The maximum length of the grant is three years, after which employment cannot be guaranteed.

TO APPLY: Any person interested in this position must submit a resume, cover letter, licensure information, and answer all questions on-line at This information must be submitted on-line on or before August 22, 2016.

This deadline date does not preclude further advertisement or recruitment

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Reservoir Simulation Engineer

Worldwide Recruitment Solutions – Albania – A leading worldwide Oil & Gas operator is looking to recruit a Reservoir Simulation Engineer on a long-term contract / consultant basis. RESERVOIR SIMULATION ENGINEER Location: Hassi Messaoud Rotation Schedule: 28/28 Qualifications: ·Engineering / Science Degree essential…

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Reservoir Simulation Engineer

Albania – JOB DESCRIPTION A leading worldwide Oil & Gas operator is looking to recruit a Reservoir Simulation Engineer on a long-term contract / consultant basis. RESERVOIR SIMULATION ENGINEER Location: Hassi Messaoud Rotation Schedule: 28/28 Qualifications: ·Engineering / Science D…

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International Consultant on Rural Employment / Self-employment

Tirana – Under the overall guidance of the Deputy Team Leader, and in close collaboration with the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth, the international consultant (assisted by a national consultant) will perform the following tasks / outputs: Conduct a desk review of existing national…

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Friday, August 12, 2016
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Commissioning Manager

JDR Energy – Albania – Mission Description In particular the mission consists to: – To be main point of contact with the Site Manager. – To organise commissioning activities: make sure the assigned team matches the project content and schedule. – To build the commissioning schedule and follow it u…

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Agjent Shitjesh

KRESHA PROD shpk është një kompani me eksperiencë 15 vjeçare në PRODHIMIN E KAFES.

Sot jemi prezente në të gjithë tregun shqiptar me emrin e njohur te kafes REGINA.

Për shkak të zgjerimit të vazhdueshëm kompania është në kërkim të stafit të ri energjik dhe me dëshirë për rritje profesionale.

Pozicioni që ofrohet: Agjent Shitjesh per qytetin e FIERIT

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Shitëse në Dyqan

•Të ketë përfunduar shkollën e mesme (Diploma Universitare është avantazh);
•Përvojë e mëparshme në fushën e shitjeve jo më pak se 2 vjet (Eksperienca në Fashion është avantazh);
•Etikë e lartë profesionale dhe orientim drejt shërbimit ndaj klientit;
•Aftësi të shkëlqyera komunikimi dhe shitjeje;
•Të jetë e motivuar, e besueshme dhe me dëshirë për të punuar;
•Të zotërojë mirë gjuhët Angleze dhe Italiane.

Të dhënat:

Pozicioni: Shitëse në dyqan;
Raporton tek:Administratorja e dyqanit;
Pagesa: Shumë e mirë (fikse + përqindje);
Kontrata: Sipas Kodit të Punës;
Aplikimet mbyllen:22.08.2016.

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Senior Treasury Supervisor

Job Title: Senior Treasury Supervisor
Location: B/O Neptun
Reporting to: Director of Finance Department
Department: Finance

Position Overview
Supervision, direction and control of the whole process of company’s liquidity management, payment relations, lending relationships with banks, the relationship of clearing, controlling of interest and commissions, conduct exchange operations as well as the registration, accounting and framing of all relations and transactions with banks.

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Staf per dyqanet/Kosove

Rreth kompanisë
“LC Waikiki është një kompani udhëheqëse e modës me pakicë me një qarkullim prej $2,5 miliardë. LC Waikiki është një koleksion i modës për gratë, burrat dhe fëmijët , me dyqanet e tij të vendosur në vende të Evropës Lindore, Lindje të Mesme, Rusi, vendetë CIS dhe Turqi. Ne jemi në kërkim për profesionistë të kalibrit të lartë që të na ndihmojnë të arrijmë që llimintonë për t’u bërë një nga grupet më të mira të shitjes me pakicë në Evropë.”
Ne kemi një plan zgjerimi ambicioz në Kosovë që do t’u japë një mundësi për një karrierë të shpejtë. Ju lutemi të gjeni më poshtë vendet e lira të punës:

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Senior Accountant / Manager

For our costumer, a local firm providing accounting and advisory services to a portfolio of clients in Albania, we are looking for qualified candidates in the following position

Senior Accountant / Manager

About the Role:
The role we are recruiting for will manage a portfolio of accounting and tax clients to help ensure that clients receive a quality service in all aspects.

Requirements and Qualifications :

• Minimum 3-5 years of relevant experience
• University degree, preferably in Accounting/Finance. Candidates with professional accounting qualifications will be preferred.
• Excellent knowledge of Albanian NAS and preferably also IFRS
• Significant accounting and financial reporting experience in a wide variety of industries
• Extensive experience in Albanian tax compliance
• Strong verbal and written communication skills in English and Albanian (other languages are a plus)
• Ability to manage and supervise junior professionals in day to day work
• Ability to develop and mentor junior team members
• Ability to work both independently and as part of a team with professionals at all levels
• Ability to prioritize tasks, work on multiple assignments and manage ambiguity
• Outstanding attention to detail and adherence to deadlines
• Flexibile, ability to respond quickly to new demands, priorities or changes in direction

We offer :
• Work in a dynamic environment contributing to both personal and professional development
• Stable working environment,
• An attractive and competitive salary

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Store Manager

•Për të aplikuar për këtë pozicion, jeni te lutur të dërgoni CV-në tuaj dhe leter motivimi ne adresen: [email protected] duke vendosur ne subjekt “Aplikim per Store Manager”;
•Ju njoftojme se per interviste do te kontaktohen vetem aplikuesit e perzgjedhur.
•Aplikimet mbyllen: 19.08.2016

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Foreign Language and Culture Instructor II - Washington Language Center - Arlington, VA

Foreign Language and Culture Instructor II

Washington Language Center

Arlington, VA

Full-time, Part-time

The Washington Language Center is a Small, Veteran Owned Business (SVOB) that provides US Government, military, and multi-national corporations with high quality language and cultural training, testing, translation and interpreting services. WLC operates over 80 global and minority languages. WLC delivers tailored and cost-effective language training to client needs through agile practices. Training services are adaptable to one-on-one, small to large group learning, as well as virtual distance learning. WLC instructors and cultural presenters are native speakers who are highly trained in communicative teaching methods, multi-lingual, and multi-culturally competent. We match client training needs with our instructors’ expertise so that complex subject matter can be covered with confidence.

Job Summary: The Language & Culture Instructor II will work onsite at the School of Language Studies (SLS) at the US Department of State’s (DOS) Foreign Service Institute (FSI) in Arlington, VA. FSI provides foreign language training, testing and other language support services to DOS employees and other government agencies in over 70 foreign languages. Enrollments in the school surpass 2000 students annually including up to 1000 distance learning enrollments. SLS consists of approximately 450 technical and professional personnel with expertise in the field of foreign language teaching, culture, and applied linguistics. Successful candidates for the posted position may join existing teaching, testing, or program management staff composed of government employees and contractors. The settings within which the work is conducted include large- and small-group classrooms, most of which are equipped with interactive SmartPanels or Smart Boards; facilities for video and audio recording; multimedia and innovation labs; distance learning mentoring rooms; testing rooms; standard offices; and an information center.

Positions available in the following languages: Arabic, Albanian, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Japanese, Icelandic, Khmer, Macedonian, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Tagalog, Thai, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

Job Description: Language and Culture Instructor II
The Contractor will:

Language Instruction

  • Plan and/or conduct small and/or large group language classes using a wide variety of language teaching methodologies and techniques, stressing speaking, listening comprehension, and reading skills. In most cases, the Government will provide the teaching materials. Using the foreign language as a tool to accomplish United States Government objectives is the ultimate goal of the training that SLS provides.

  • Use established training materials and work collaboratively and closely with other instructors, under the direct guidance of the COR, ACOR, or GTM, who is usually the Language Training Supervisor (LTS), on training and/or testing matters.

  • In collaboration with the COR, ACOR, or GTM and others, adapt teaching techniques and approaches to the students’ individual learning styles and needs.

  • Provide feedback and analysis of the students’ progress and problems to the COR, ACOR, or GTM and to instructional and other staff as appropriate.

  • Provide students with encouragement and constructive feedback.

  • Apply classroom management techniques to provide a respectful, student-centered environment conducive to learning.

  • Conduct informal or formal progress evaluations and/or administer weekly quizzes and assessments to evaluate student progress.

  • Attend all section and other meetings as appropriate.

  • Incorporate the use of instructional technology into the instructional program as appropriate and in collaboration with the COR, ACOR, or GTM.

  • Serve part-time as a mentor to distance learning students with COR, ACOR, or GTM approval. (Part-time DL instruction will supplement in class instruction on occasions where the amount of students cannot accommodate a full-time DL instructor provided in CLIN 7).

  • Collaborate with staff in the Learning Consultation Service (LCS) in whatever way deemed appropriate by the COR, ACOR, or GTM. The LCS is a unit in SLS with specialists who assist language students with their learn ing by providing counseling and administering and interpreting diagnostic instruments which assess learning styles and preferences.

  • With pre-approval by the COR, ACOR, or GTM, plan and/or participate in non-classroom activities in the Washington area. Participation is strictly voluntary. Activities may include visits to foreign embassies, local community organizations, community centers, neighborhoods, shopping areas, and restaurants where heritage speakers live and congregate, and often involve pre-visit training and after-action follow up.

  • Participate in the planning and delivery of language immersions. Participation is strictly voluntary. Immersions may consist of one or more days of activities that take place outside of the Washington area, either domestically in the United States or overseas, and contain substantial non-classroom-like activities that foster practical, natural use of the language. Contractors will be compensated at their normal hourly rate for hours worked during normal daily working hours for the time zones in which the work is completed and will additionally receive compensation as follows:

  • Contractors may earn up to a total of twelve (12) hours per weekday and up to eight (8) hours per weekend day.

  • Domestic Immersions: up to five days actual Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE)

  • Overseas Immersions: up to 14 days actual M&IE

  • Lodging, travel, and other expenses may be covered by SLS in certain rare circumstances.

  • According to the Defense Base Act (DBA), Contractors are required to have travel insurance when traveling overseas. The Contractor Company must provide DBA insurance policy information to FSI before planning for any foreign immersion takes place. FSI will reimburse the Contractor Company for the direct expenses of the

  • DBA insurance policy if the foreign immersion travel is approved in the SLS Travel Budget.

  • Contractors may be requested to purchase language-training materials. The COR/ACOR and GTM must approve such purchases in advance. Reimbursement shall be submitted on the Contractor’s invoice. Contractors must submit copies of all receipts and currency exchange rates with their invoice.

  • Travel or materials acquisitions must be duly authorized in a task order prior to any travel or other reimbursable expenditures. As required by the COR, ACOR, or GTM, follow techniques, methodologies, and approaches used by the office/section.

  • As required by the COR, ACOR, or GTM, maintain attendance records for students.

Materials and Curriculum Development (If Needed)

  • Collaborate with the COR, ACOR, or GTM to participate in and support, on a part-time basis, the development of language training materials or SLS-relevant reference materials, including but not limited to text, audio, video, and technology-based media. All materials become the property of the United States Government, and the Contractor may not copy or reproduce them in any way for use outside of an FSI class, share them by any means outside of FSI, or publish them in any way without the express permission of the Government.

  • Assist with the creation and field-testing of new teaching, study, student advisory, and/or testing materials.

  • Assist with the recording of audio or video materials to be used in conjunction with established language training curricula or as ancillary resources for student self-directed study.

  • Assist in in-service staff development and orientation activities, including giving presentations or facilitating a workshop sponsored by FSI.

  • As needed, assist with the development of SLS-relevant research and development projects, including but not limited to instructional research and development and institutional (management) data handling and analysis.

  • As needed, assist with reviewing and editing foreign language and/or English in instructional materials.

  • Adhere to all copyright guidelines and restrictions and follow FSI and SLS procedures regarding copyright.

  • As needed, assist with drafting required documents in the curriculum development project approval process aswell as provide status updates on approved projects on request.

Testing (If Needed)

  • As needed and on a part-time basis, assist with testing for language proficiency examinations, interacting with the examinee in the instructor’s native language or language in which the instructor has near-native proficiency.

  • Support for proficiency tests may be face-to-face or by telephone or other technology-based medium (recorded audio, recorded video, videoconferencing). The instructor may support testing by providing information to an examiner about the examinee’s performance on various parts of the test and about the content of the texts used in the test, and assists with the selection and/or preparation of reading test materials.

  • On a strictly voluntary basis, may have the opportunity to become a certified tester by the FSI Language Testing Unit (LTU). Duties of the tester are defined by documentation in the LTU (provided post-award). FSI/ SLS/LTU provides all training required for attaining FSI Tester certification. The training process takes approximately one year to complete and includes a 40-hour introductory workshop, approximately 25 hours of review classes and mentoring meetings with a Testing Mentor, a written assessment on testing processes, observations of at least three official exams, conducting mock practice exams, and conducting official exams observed by the Testing Mentor or LTU Operations Manager to complete certification. (To become a certified tester the contractor must submit a request to their PM and the PM is to then send the request to the COR/ACOR for approval).

  • Assist with the creation and testing of new reading kits to be used in face-to-face, telephone or field testing.

  • Participate in producing audio or video materials for use in conjunction with LTU testing training.

  • May be requested to conduct end of training tests at one of FSI’s field schools overseas.

  • Adhere to all guidelines and follow all procedures regarding testing material security and safeguarding test score data.

Required Qualifications:

  • A minimum of three (3) years of experience teaching adult learners the foreign language they will beproviding to FSI in a classroom setting (2 or more students).

  • BA/BS, MA/MS, or Ph.D., or foreign equivalent degree(s) in any field.

  • A minimum of three (3) years of experience teaching foreign language with proficiency-based or taskbasedcurricula.

  • A minimum of one (1) year of experience administering proficiency-based assessments (i.e., DLPT, ACTFLOPI, etc.)

  • A minimum English proficiency level of a 2:2 on the ILR proficiency scale.

Additional Preferred Qualifications:

  • BS/BA or MS/MA or foreign equivalent degree in relevant language education field preferred.

  • Experience developing foreign language instructional materials and/or curricula preferred.

  • Experience teaching with the communicative approach preferred.

  • Experience incorporating a variety of educational technology in teaching preferred.

  • Experience teaching blending learning activities valued.

  • Experience integrating social media applications for educational purposes valued.

  • Experience administering proficiency-based assessments valued.

  • Experience teaching with vocabulary-based language learning materials valued.

  • Experience delivering training targeted to needs of diplomatic community valued.

  • Possess independently-obtained work authorization with a minimum of one year remaining in US employment eligibility.

Clearance: National Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI), background check
Location: The School of Language Studies (SLS) at the U.S. Department of State’s (DOS) Foreign Service Institute (FSI), Arlington, Virginia
Job Type: Full Time
Compensation: Salaried with benefits (Paid Time Off, 401(k) employer match, Medical, Vision, Dental Insurance)

The Washington Language Center DOES NOT provide sponsorship nor accept expired documents. ** EOE Statement: We are an equal employment opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law.

Job Type: Full-time

Required education:

Required experience:

  • Number of years of combined intensive (5 hours a day) adult language training experience:: 3 years

» Apply Now

Please review all application instructions before applying to Washington Language Center.

Washington Language Center is a respected leader in providing U.S. Government, military, and multinational corporations with top quality…

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Teknik Elektronik

Përmbledhja e Pozicionit:
Tekniku Elektrik / Elektronik në dep. Teknik në Qendër Tregtare është përgjegjës për kontrollin e sistemeve elektrike si dhe mirëmbatjen e këtyre sistemeve. Raporton tek përgjegjësi i Turnit / supervizori i turnit dhe Menaxheri i Dep. për gjendjen teknike të sistemeve.

Detyra dhe Përgjegjësi :
•Eshtë përgjegjës për sistemet elektrike që përfshijnë Panelet kryesore të Tensionit të Ulët dhe të Mesëm,
• Kontrollon gjëndjen e gjeneratorëve, gjëndjen e depozitës së naftës, panelet përkatëse.
•Kontrollon nivelin e naftës në gjenerator dhe bën rimbushjen e tij nëse është e nevojshme.
•Inspekton dhomën e paisjeve elektrike / elektronike dhe panelet për ndonjë anomaly
• Kontrollon llampat dhe transformatorët e llampave dhe bën zëvendësimin e tyre.
•Eshtë përgjegjës për matjen dhe kontrollin e parametrave elektrike në panelet kryesore dhe dytësoretë shpërndarjes dhe njofton në mënyrë periodike për ecurinë e tyre.
•Kontrollon sistemin për fikjen e zjarrit, sistemin sprinkler, alarmin kundra vjedhjes dhe njofton supervizorin nëse është e nevojshme.
•Kontrollon dhe drejton pjesët elektrike & elektronike të komandimit të sistemeve BMS, sistemit të zjarrit, sistemit të telefonisë, sistemit kundër-vjedhjes, pompat e sistemit sprinkler + hidrant, panelet e komandimit të sistemit HVAC & ventilimit, sistemit CCTV dhe sistemit elektrik.
•Kontrollon sistemin UPS nëse funksionon në rregull.
•Eshtë përgjegjës për gjithë punët elektrike / elektronike në qendër dhe dyqanet e tjera të kontraktuara nën përgjegjësinë e departamentit të mirëmbajtjes dhe njofton supervizorin për gjërat e nevojshme.
•Drejton sistemin e ndezjes /fikjes së gjithë dritave të qendrës në bazë të orarit të përcaktuar,
12.Kontrollon aparturat nëse punojnë dhe ndizen në kohë nëpërmjet kontrollit me sistemin BMS & timer.

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LC Waikiki Retail Company is a leading fashion retail company with a turnover of $ 2.8 billion. LC Waikiki’s journey started in France in 1985, continuing after 1997 as a Turkish brand under the umbrella of LC Waikiki Mağazacılık Hizmetleri Ticaret A.Ş.
Today LC Waikiki trades in around 600 stores in 28 countries, with the company’s philosophy that “Everyone Deserves to Dress Well” enabling people to enjoy accessible fashion through quality products at affordable prices.
The LC Waikiki brand is a collection of fashion for women, men and children, with its own stores established in countries across Eastern Europe, Middle East, Russia, CIS countries and Turkey.

LC Waikiki aims to be one of the 3 most successful ready-made clothing brands in Europe by 2023 and we open a store somewhere in the world every 5 days!

We have been selected by LinkedIn in 2015 as the most in demand Turkish company in EMEA. According to “100 Women-Friendly Companies Research” conducted by Capital Magazine in 2015, we also ranked the 1st Company in Turkey which employs the highest number of female managers.

There are nearly 3000 people working at LC Waikiki’s corporate office, more than 24,000 people in Turkey and abroad, with more than 500 job positions throughout the company.

The Role: Accountant

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Language and Culture Instructor II - Washington Language Center - Arlington, VA

Language and Culture Instructor II

Washington Language Center

Arlington, VA

Full-time, Part-time

Employer: The Washington Language Center is a Small, Veteran Owned Business (SVOB) that provides US Government, military, and multi-national corporations with high quality language and cultural training, testing, translation and interpreting services. WLC operates over 80 global and minority languages. WLC delivers tailored and cost-effective language training to client needs through agile practices. Training services are adaptable to one-on-one, small to large group learning, as well as virtual distance learning. WLC instructors and cultural presenters are native speakers who are highly trained in communicative teaching methods, multi-lingual, and multi-culturally competent. We match client training needs with our instructors’ expertise so that complex subject matter can be covered with confidence.

Languages Needed: Arabic, Albanian, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Japanese, Icelandic, Khmer, Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Tagalog, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

Job Summary: Language and Culture Instructor II will work onsite at the School of Language Studies (SLS) at the US Department of State’s (DOS) Foreign Service Institute (FSI) in Arlington, VA. FSI provides foreign language training, testing and other language support services to DOS employees and other government agencies in over 70 foreign languages. Enrollments in the school surpass 2000 students annually including up to 1000 distance learning enrollments.SLS consists of approximately 450 technical and professional personnel with expertise in the field of foreign language teaching, culture, and applied linguistics. Successful candidates for the posted position may join existing teaching, testing, or program management staff composed of government employees and contractors. The settings within which the work is conducted include large- and small-group classrooms, most of which are equipped with interactive SmartPanels or Smart Boards; facilities for video and audio recording; multimedia and innovation labs; distance learning mentoring rooms; testing rooms; standard offices; and an information center.
Job Description: Language and Culture Instructor II The Contractor will:

  • With minimal direction from the COR, ACOR, or GTM, propose, plan and conduct evaluation tasks or projects leading groups or executing single-handedly. Tasks and projects include but are not limited to instructional research and institutional (management) data handling and analysis.

  • With minimal direction from the COR, ACOR, or GTM, perform assigned tasks for the development, editing, and review of SLS-relevant evaluation reports, proposal drafts, SLS-specific evaluation policies and procedures, and reference materials on request. All materials become the property of the United States Government, and the Contractor may not copy or reproduce them in any way for use outside of FSI, share them by any means outside of FSI, or publish them in any way without the express permission of the Government.

  • Adhere to all copyright guidelines and restrictions and follow FSI and SLS procedures regarding copyright.

  • With minimal direction from the COR, ACOR, or GTM, provide expert advisory services to SLS staff and lead teams as needed in determining research objectives, creating evaluation plans, designing and delivering evaluative instruments, and analyzing, interpreting, and determining implications of evaluation results.

  • Review evaluation plans for proposed projects for effectiveness and provide recommendations as needed.

  • As directed, design and/or maintain a database for tracking evaluation project timelines and completion.

  • With minimal direction from the COR, ACOR, or GTM, research evaluation models and systems for potential implementation in SLS and draft proposals for improving evaluation models and systems in SLS.

  • Develop and deliver SLS-relevant in-service staff development workshops designed to build skills in effective training evaluation and data analysis.

  • With minimal direction from the COR, ACOR, or GTM, develop and deliver oral briefings on SLS evaluation projects and results.

  • Collaborate with staff in the Learning Consultation Service (LCS) in whatever way deemed appropriate by the COR, ACOR, or GTM. The LCS is a unit in SLS with specialists who assist language students with their learning by providing counseling and administering and interpreting diagnostic instruments which assess learning styles and preferences.

  • With pre-approval by the COR, ACOR, or GTM, plan and/or participate in non-classroom activities in the Washington area. Participation is strictly voluntary. Activities may include visits to foreign embassies, local community organizations, community centers, neighborhoods, shopping areas, and restaurants where heritage speakers live and congregate, and often involve pre-visit training and after-action follow up.

  • Participate in the planning and delivery of language immersions. Participation is strictly voluntary. Immersions may consist of one or more days of activities that take place outside of the Washington area, either domestically the United States or overseas, and contain substantial non-classroom-like activities that foster practical, natural use of the language.

  • As required by the COR, ACOR, or GTM, follow techniques, methodologies, and approaches used by the office/section.

  • As required by the COR, ACOR, or GTM, maintain attendance records for students.

Materials and Curriculum Development (If Needed)

  • Collaborate with the COR, ACOR, or GTM to participate in and support, on a part-time basis, the development of language training materials or SLS-relevant reference materials, including but not limited to text, audio,video, and technology-based media. All materials become the property of the United States Government, and the Contractor may not copy or reproduce them in any way for use outside of an FSI class, share them by any means outside of FSI, or publish them in any way without the express permission of the Government.

  • Assist with the creation and field-testing of new teaching, study, student advisory, and/or testing materials.

  • Assist with the recording of audio or video materials to be used in conjunction with established language training curricula or as ancillary resources for student self-directed study.

  • Assist in in-service staff development and orientation activities, including giving presentations or facilitating a workshop sponsored by FSI.

  • As needed, assist with the development of SLS-relevant research and development projects, including but not limited to instructional research and development and institutional (management) data handling and analysis.

  • As needed, assist with reviewing and editing foreign language and/or English in instructional materials.

  • Adhere to all copyright guidelines and restrictions and follow FSI and SLS procedures regarding copyright.

  • As needed, assist with drafting required documents in the curriculum development project approval process as well as provide status updates on approved projects on request.

Testing (If Needed)

  • As needed and on a part-time basis, assist with testing for language proficiency examinations, interacting with the examinee in the instructor’s native language or language in which the instructor has near-native proficiency.

  • Support for proficiency tests may be face-to-face or by telephone or other technology-based medium (recorded audio, recorded video, videoconferencing). The instructor may support testing by providing information to an examiner about the examinee’s performance on various parts of the test and about the content of the texts used in the test, and assists with the selection and/or preparation of reading test materials.

  • On a strictly voluntary basis, may have the opportunity to become a certified tester by the FSI Language Testing Unit (LTU). Duties of the tester are defined by documentation in the LTU (provided post-award). FSI/

  • SLS/LTU provides all training required for attaining FSI Tester certification. The training process takes approximately one year to complete and includes a 40-hour introductory workshop, approximately 25 hours of review classes and mentoring meetings with a Testing Mentor, a written assessment on testing processes, observations of at least three official exams, conducting mock practice exams, and conducting official exams observed by the Testing Mentor or LTU Operations Manager to complete certification. (To become a certified tester the contractor must submit a request to their PM and the PM is to then send the request to the COR/ACOR for approval).

  • Assist with the creation and testing of new reading kits to be used in face-to-face, telephone or field testing.

  • Participate in producing audio or video materials for use in conjunction with LTU testing training.

  • May be requested to conduct end of training tests at one of FSI’s field schools overseas.

  • Adhere to all guidelines and follow all procedures regarding testing material security and safeguarding test data.

Primary duties for all levels of instructors will be that which fall under the Language Instruction portion of this position description. Duties that fall under _Materials and Curriculum Development or Testing_ , will be to support those positions actually performing these services in a full time capacity, under the appropriate CLIN. These should be extra, infrequent supporting duties that shall not be a majority of the duties provided by the Language Instructor CLINs.

Required Qualifications: The Contractor must have:

  • A minimum of three (3) years of experience teaching adult learners the foreign language they will be providing to FSI in a classroom setting (2 or more students).

  • BA/BS, MA/MS, or Ph.D., or foreign equivalent degree(s) in any field.

  • A minimum of three (3) years of experience teaching foreign language with proficiency-based or task based curricula.

  • A minimum of one (1) year of experience administering proficiency-based assessments (i.e., DLPT, ACTFL OPI, etc.).

  • A minimum English proficiency level of a 2:2 on the ILR proficiency scale.

  • Possess independently-obtained work authorization with a minimum of one year remaining in US employment eligibility.

Additional Preferred Qualifications:

  • BS/BA or MS/MA or foreign equivalent degree in relevant language education field preferred.

  • Experience developing foreign language instructional materials and/or curricula preferred.

  • Experience teaching with the communicative approach preferred.

  • Experience incorporating a variety of educational technology in teaching preferred.

  • Experience teaching blending learning activities valued.

  • Experience integrating social media applications for educational purposes valued.

  • Experience administering proficiency-based assessments valued.

  • Experience teaching with vocabulary-based language learning materials valued.

  • Experience delivering training targeted to needs of diplomatic community valued.

Clearance: National Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI), background check Location: The School of Language Studies (SLS) at the U.S. Department of State’s (DOS) Foreign Service Institute (FSI), Arlington, Virginia Job Type: Full Time We are an equal employment opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law.

Job Type: Full-time

Required education:

Required experience:

  • Teaching Adults the Target Language: 3 years

  • Experience administering proficiency-based assessments.: 1 year

  • Teaching using Proficiency-based and Task-based Curricula: 3 years

» Apply Now

Please review all application instructions before applying to Washington Language Center.

Washington Language Center is a respected leader in providing U.S. Government, military, and multinational corporations with top quality…

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Senior Web Developer

Edotta shpk. kërkon të punësojë një menaxher projekti në fushën web developer. Personi duhet të ketënjohuri dhe aftësi të larta analitike, zhvilluese dhe menaxheriale.
Kandidati do jetë menaxher I grupit që është duke zhvilluar sistemin e-learning Edotta 3.0. Sistemi përdor platformat dhe teknologjitë e mëposhtme:

– Apache / Nginx
– PHP / Slim Framework / Smarty
– MySQL / Redis
– Javascript / AngularJS / JQuery
– CSS / Bootstrap
– Single Page Application
– RESTful backend me arkitekture cloud e ideuar per SaaS, mbi AWS

Ambjenti i punës është i qetë dhe komod. Projekti mbi të cilin kandidati do punojë është sfidues dhe përben një mundesi shumë të mirë për arritje të lartë profesionale.

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UNDP - National GIS Specialist for initial collection & organizing of the information on the existing and planned SHPPS in Abania & their environmental baseline context - Tirana

(kliko per te pare oferten)
kliko per tu bere fan

Application Deadline : 18-Aug-16 (Midnight New York, USA)

Education: Graduate degree in field of Computer Sciences, Geography, Engineering, Planning or related fields.

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Sales Manager

RRC Tirana is part of RRC Group. RRC Group is an international niche VAD with it’s headquarters in Moscow, Russia. Since 1992 it promotes high end networking and telecommunication equipment, automatic identification devices, security and data protection systems for multi-level networks of various degrees of complexity in more than 20 countries of CEE and CIS.

RRC Tirana is looking for experienced sales professional to join our International Team.
The job position is based in our office in Tirana, Albania.

You can send your CV and a motivation letter to: [email protected]

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UNDP - Field presence coordinator - Tirana

(kliko per te pare oferten)
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Vacancy End Date: 19/08/2016 (Midnight New York, USA)

Education/Academic Qualification:

Graduate studies preferable in public policy, public administration, economics, finance, law, human rights or other relevant discipline, or relevant work experience (see below)

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Barboy/Bar Attendant Counter

Provide operative support to Bartender in cleaning the pantry areas and setting up materials/ products needed for Bar operation

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UNICEF - Child Protection Specialist - Albania

(kliko per te pare oferten)
kliko per tu bere fan

Closing Date 18 Aug 2016 Central Europe Standard Time

Qualifications of Successful Candidate
• An Advanced University degree in international development, human rights, psychology, sociology, international law and other social science field is required.
• A minimum of 5 years of professional experience in social development planning and management in child protection and/other related areas at the international level some of which preferably were served in a developing country is required.
• Relevant experience in child protection and related areas, program/project development and management in a UN system agency or organization is an asset.
• Experience in supporting policy dialogue and development and writing advocacy briefs and policy papers are strong assets.
• Experience in Child Protection systems anchored to EU legislative frameworks is an asset.
• Experience in both development and humanitarian contexts is an added advantage.
• Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of another official UN language and/or the local language (Albanian) is an asset.

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Specialiste Marketingu

Të punosh në “Mon Chéri” është si të punosh me miqtë e tu. Ne kuptojmë, respektojmë, vlerësojmë dhe përfshijmë njerëz të ndryshëm. Ne besojmë në komunikimin e mirë dhe nxisim informimin e njëri-tjetrit dhe klimën harmonike në vendin e punës. Ne synojmë që të ndërtojmë një skuadër të qendrueshme, me lojtarë që e vlerësojnë punën dhe duan të bashkëpunojnë me ne për një kohë të gjatë.

Kompania “Mon Chéri” kërkon të punësojë Specialiste Marketingu

Ne ofrojmë për punonjësit tanë:
Kontratë pune te Rregullt
Sigurime shoqerore dhe shëndetësore
Pagesë konkurruese
Kushte te mira pune
Rritje e përfitimeve sipas vjetërsisë në punë

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Thursday, August 11, 2016
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Portier (Doorman)

Portier (Doorman) Tirana International Hotel & Conference Centre Njoftim Per Vend Pune Doorman (Portier) 

 Kandidatët duhet të plotësojnë këto kritere: 

– Të kenë të paktën 3 vjet experience ne pozicione te ngjashme. 

– Të njohin shumë mirë gjuhën angleze dhe italiane (kusht i domosdoshëm), njohja e një gjuhe të tretë përbën avantazh. 

– Përbën avantazh eksperienca në hotele prestigjoze. 

– Të kenë aftësi shumë të mira komunikuese. 

– Te kete leje drejtimi automjeti. 

– Të kenë prezencë të mirë. 

– Mosha deri ne 35 vjec. 

Të gjitha kriteret e mësipërme duhet të jenë të shoqëruara me referencat përkatëse me numra kontakti. 

 Per aplikime dorezoni CV prane recepsionit te Hotel Tirana Internationalne adrese Sheshi Skenderbej, 8, Tirane Tel. +355 4 223 41 85 Fax. +355 4 223 25 21 ose me email: [email protected]

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Arkitekt/e interior design

Fabrika Italiane SALONNI, më e reja në fushën e prodhimit të mobiljeve kërkon të rekrutojë staf energjik dhe ambicioz për të realizuar qëllimet e biznesit.

Për këtë, ju ftojmë të aplikoni për pozicionin : Arkitekt/e Interior Design.

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Menaxher Shitje për Njësi në Qendrën Tregtare Coin

Të gjithë të interesuarit, janë të lutur që të dërgojnë CV nëpërmjet adresës së e-mailit [email protected] ose te plotesojne formularin e aplikimit ne faqen zyrtare ne seksionin “apliko online”.

Afati i fundit i aplikimit është data 25 Gusht 2016, ora 17:00.

* Vetëm kandidatët e përzgjedhur do të kontaktohen.
* Gener-2 merr përsipër që të dhënat e kandidatëve të trajtohen në konfidencialitet të plotë.

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Intermediate JavaScript Developer

This is a remote, home-based position. Scopic Software ( is the largest virtual software company in the world. We have over 200 employees in 25 different countries. All employees work from home. We develop custom software applications for clients in North America and Europe.
The company is looking to hire a talented Intermediate Javascript Developer. Work hours are flexible. Projects are interesting and challenging.

This is a full-time position.
Hourly range – $10-$14 USD hour depends on experience and skills.
Please, send your CV (in English only) to [email protected]

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Tirana International Hotel & Conference Centre Njoftim Per Vend Pune Kamarier Kandidatët duhet të plotësojnë këto kritere: 

– Të kenë të paktën 3 vjet experience ne Bar/Restorante prestigjoze.

– Të njohin shumë mirë gjuhën angleze dhe italiane (kusht i domosdoshëm), njohja e një gjuhe të tretë përbën avantazh. 

– Të kenë aftësi shumë të mira komunikues. 

– Të kenë prezencë të mirë. 

 – Mosha deri ne 40 vjec. 

 Per aplikime dorezoni Cv prane recepsionit te Hotel Tirana International ne adrese Sheshi Skenderbej, 8, Tirane Tel. +355 4 223 41 85 Fax. +355 4 223 25 21 ose me email: [email protected]

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