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Monday, February 29, 2016
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Social Media Specialist

Find sh.p.k is an online marketing services company, with 75 full time employees, specialized in promoting the brand With its seats in England and Italy, our group operates successfully since five years in the area of sports betting. Following its policy to expand its activity even in Albania, Find sh.p.k is looking for:

Social Media Specialist
-Minimum 2 years’ experience in social media management, especially Facebook
– Having sports as his/her primary hobbies.
– Italian and English language required.

If you need to get more information about our company, you may watch this video presentation

Only the candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
The interested candidates are invited to apply at [email protected], specifying the position they are applying for.

Mobile: 069 9915692
Address: Blv. Zhan D’Ark, Wonder Building, near Foreign Ministry, 2Floor, Tirana, Albania.
The candidates contacted for the interview, are pleased to visit our site

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IT Technical Support

Find sh.p.k is an online marketing services company, with 75 full time employees, specialized in promoting the brand With its seats in England and Italy, our group operates successfully since five years in the area of sports betting. Following its policy to expand its activity even in Albania, Find sh.p.k is looking for:

IT technical support
– Knowledge of Windows and Unix/Linux operating systems
– Installing and configuring systems hardware, operating systems and applications;
– Monitoring and maintaining systems and networks;
– Troubleshooting system and network problems and diagnosing and solving hardware or software faults;
– Replacing parts as required;
– Providing support, including procedural documentation and relevant reports;
– Following diagrams and written instructions to repair a fault or set up a system;
– Supporting the roll-out of new applications;
– Setting up new users’ accounts and profiles and dealing with password issues;
– Responding within agreed time limits to call-outs;
– Working continuously on a task until completion (or referral to third parties, if appropriate);
– Prioritizing and managing many open cases at one time;
– Rapidly establishing a good working relationship with customers and other professionals, e.g., – Software developers;
– Testing and evaluating new technology;
– Conducting electrical safety checks on computer equipment.

If you need to get more information about our company, you may watch this video presentation

Only the candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
The interested candidates are invited to apply at [email protected], specifying the position they are applying for.

Mobile: 069 9915692
Address: Blv. Zhan D’Ark, Wonder Building, near Foreign Ministry, 2Floor, Tirana, Albania.
The candidates contacted for the interview, are pleased to visit our site

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Find sh.p.k is an online marketing services company, with 75 full time employees, specialized in promoting the brand With its seats in England and Italy, our group operates successfully since five years in the area of sports betting. Following its policy to expand the activity in Albania, Find sh.p.k is looking for certified translators in the languages below:

Spanish, German, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish, Romanian, Russian, Hungarian, Dutch, Finnish, Arabic, Croatian, Greek, Moldavian, Swedish.

If you need to get more information about our company, you may watch this video presentation

Only the candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
The interested candidates are invited to apply at [email protected], specifying the position they are applying for.

Mobile: 069 9915692
Address: Blv. Zhan D’Ark, Wonder Building, near Foreign Ministry, 2Floor, Tirana, Albania.
The candidates contacted for the interview, are pleased to visit our site

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Caregiver for Elderly PCA or Homemaker Needed - Companions Forever - New Britain, CT

Companions Forever is looking to staff the following position: New Britain, Bristol, Berlin, Plainville, etc varying hours, varying shifts – 20 -40 Part-time hours available schedules varies
– Must have CT Drivers License, Valid Auto Insurance & Reliable Vehicle – Must be able to work ANY day of the WEEK
– Ideal candidate will have experience working with elderly, must demonstrate compassion, patience, respect. Must demonstrate good communication skills and have the ability to work cooperatively with others. All Caregivers assignments vary based on client needs.We hold interviews on Monday through Friday between 10am – 2 pm. We are located at 25 Charter Oak Avenue, Hartford, CTWe are an equal opportunity employer, and strive to provide the best customer service to all our clients. All candidates are subject to a background check prior to hiring.

Job Type: Part-time

Required experience:

  • working with the elderly: 1 year

Required education:

  • High school or equivalent

Required language:

» Apply Now

Please review all application instructions before applying to Companions Forever.

» Apply Now

Please review all application instructions before applying to Companions Forever.

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Find sh.p.k is an online marketing services company, with 75 full time employees, specialized in promoting the brand With its seats in England and Italy, our group operates successfully since five years in the area of sports betting. Following its policy to expand its activity even in Albania, Find sh.p.k is looking for:

Receptionist (F)
– Good looking and good personality.
– Minimum 2 years’ previous experience.
– A high level of communicative skills.
– Italian and English language required.

If you need to get more information about our company, you may watch this video presentation

Only the candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
The interested candidates are invited to apply at [email protected], specifying the position they are applying for.

Mobile: 069 9915692
Address: Blv. Zhan D’Ark, Wonder Building, near Foreign Ministry, 2Floor, Tirana, Albania.
The candidates contacted for the interview, are pleased to visit our site

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Menaxher/e bari Segafredo Franchise

Kompania Klar & Coffe.

Të ketë experience në punë të ngjashme mbi 5 vjet.

* Mosha e kandidateve duhet të jetë nga 25-35 vjec.

* Të kenë përkushtim maksimal gjatë orarit të punës.

* Të karakterizohen nga ndershmëria, integriteti dhe korrektësisia.

* Të ketë komunikim të shkëlqyer me klientët dhe stafin e punës.

* Njohja e gjuhës angleze përbën avantazh.

* Të pëlqejë punën me njerëzit dhe të jetë kreativ/e.

* Të kenë paraqitje dhe performancë maksimale

* Të jenë korrekt, serioz dhe disponibël.

* Arsimi i Mesëm është i detyrueshëm.

Aplikimi duhet të jetë I shoqëruar me fotografi.

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Web Developer

Kompania Nettrade Albania shpk eshte kompania lider ne tregun e shitjeve online ne shqiperi duke menaxhuar disa nga faqet me te medha te ecommerce ne Shqiperi sic eshte:
Pervec faqeve qe kemi ne menaxhimin tone, ne kemi edhe shume kliente brenda dhe jashte Shqiperise te cilet na besojne menaxhimin e prezences se tyre online.
Kompania po rritet me rritme shume te shpejta dhe punonjesit jane gjithmone te motivuar ne ambjentet tona gjithashtu kane gjithmone mundesi per tu zhvilluar me tej ne karrieren e tyre. Kompania i disponon trajnime te ndryshme dhe gjithashtu paguan per nje pjese te certefikimeve qe punonjesi do te kryeje.

Paga do te jete e kenaqshme.

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Drejtor i Sherbimeve Hotelerike ,Golem


Pergjegjesite specifike do te jene te perqendruara sipas fushave si me poshte:

1Maksimizimi I të ardhurave ne permjet marketimit te produktit, menaxhimit dhe rritjes profesionale testafit
2Përgatitja e parashikimeve dhe buxheteve te nevojeshme per mbarevajtjen e punes dhe menaxhimi I standardeve të punës dhe shpenzimet per te cuar aktivitetin drejt nje biznesi fitimprures.

3Analizon shifrat e shitjes dhe harton e strategji per menaxhimin e të ardhurave
4Monitoron arkëtimet e drejtpërdrejta te klienteve dhe leshimin e faturave perkatese, pagesat e komisioneve te agjensive apo kompanive bashkepunetore
5Drejton dhe monitoron punen e recepsionit per rezervimet,kancelimet dhe zbatimin rigoroz te politikave te hotelit
6Monitoron inventaret mujore te pajisjeve dhe furnizimeve me paisje. Siguron qe blerjet te jenë brenda buxhetit dhe nga furniture te miratuar per rastet e emergjencave apo ofertave me te mira te tregut.
7Organizon raportin e aktivitetit (ditor-javor-mujor)(te ardhurat dhe shpenzimet e hotelerise per cdo hap te hotelerise.

1Propozon dhe implementon strategji efikase per rritjen e numrit te clienteles dhe arritjen e objektivave te percaktuara
2Promovon dhe marketon aktivitetin hotelerik dhe ambjentet te tjera (salla konferencash)
3Kerkon dhe identifikon bashkepunetore te mundeshem brenda apo jashte vendit per rritjen e numritte klienteve per sherbimet qe ofrohen
4Promovon maksimalisht me ndimet positive te klienteve te akomoduar
5Siguron që të gjitha çështjet e lidhura me klientet të zgjidhen në përputhje me qëllimet dhe objektivat e kompanisë
6Organizon database e klienteve qe kane frekuentuar resortin kujdeset per etiken e komunikimit ne dergimin e mesazheve te herepashereshme(falenderime,urime dhe oferta tendryshme)

1Inspekton dhe dokumenton gjendjen dhe pastërtinë e ambjenteve. Informon administratorin e bashkepronesise per te siguruar mirëmbajtjen e nevojshme per rastet e evidentuar si problematike dhe ndjek deri ne perfundim procesin per realizim me cilesi dhe shpejtesi maximale
2Krijon dhe monitoron procedurat e sherbimeve hotelerike , faciliteve dhe emergjencave te hotelit

1Rekrutimi I nje stafi te kualifikuar dhe trajnimi I tij ne perputhje me procedurat dhe standatrtet e punes se kompanise
2Planifikon e punën ditore te e stafit dhe mbikqyr dhe motivon ata ne kryerjen e detyrave te percaktuara
3Komunikon politikat dhe procedurat për të gjithë stafin. Kryen takime të rregullta për të dhënë informacione të ndryshme duke përfshirë komunikimet e kompanisë, komente e klienteve, aktivitetet e resortit, qëllimet, etj

1Planifikon, organizonakomodimindheshërbimet e tjerahotelerike per klientet
2Mikpritja e klienteve ne resort dheperballja me ta ne menyrekorrektedheprofesionale
3Siguriisherbimeve ne cdokohe per kleintet,duke u krijuaratyrekomfort , siguri,Atmosferetengrohte e miqesoredheofrimtesherbimecilesore ,duke kordinuarpunendhe me bashkepunetoretetjere

Te preferuar personat qe kene eksperience ne fushen e menaxhimit turistik
Te interesuarit te telefonojne ne numrin e tel: 0672064402 ose ne adresen e emailit [email protected]

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Menaxher / Menaxhere Shitjesh

Sakuli Sign & Printing kerkon te punesoje nje Menaxher / Menaxhere Shitjesh per nevojat e kompanise.

Sakuli Sign & Printing eshte nje kompani qe operon ne treg qe prej vitit 2004.
Ne jemi nje kompani reklamash e cila ka nje aktivitet te gjere ne prodhimin reklamave te formave dhe llojeve te ndryshme, realizim germa 3D, printime indoor & outdoor, veshje makinash, letra murale si dhe ofrojme nje game te gjere produktesh dhe sherbimesh.

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Web Marketing Specialist

Find sh.p.k is an online marketing services company, with 75 full time employees, specialized in promoting the brand With its seats in England and Italy, our group operates successfully since five years in the area of sports betting. Following its policy to expand its activity even in Albania, Find sh.p.k is looking for:

Web Marketing Specialist
– Knowledge of the basics of negotiating.
– Expertise in performance marketing.
– Expertise in direct email marketing.
– Minimum 2 years’ experience in internet media buying or selling.
– Italian and English language required.

If you need to get more information about our company, you may watch this video presentation

Only the candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
The interested candidates are invited to apply at [email protected], specifying the position they are applying for.

Mobile: 069 9915692
Address: Blv. Zhan D’Ark, Wonder Building, near Foreign Ministry, 2Floor, Tirana, Albania.
The candidates contacted for the interview, are pleased to visit our site

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Responsabile di segreteria

Per il carattere di urgenza che la ricerca riveste si richiede una disponibilità full time immediata.

Inquadramento e retribuzione: Inquadramento e retribuzione saranno commisurati all’esperienza

Sede di lavoro:
Rruga “Tafaj”, Pall. Delta Konstruksion, Njesia Bashkiake nr. 8, Tirane Albania.

Gli interessati possono inviare il CV in lingua italiana all’indirizzo: [email protected]

Tel. : +355 044504340
Cel. : +355 674721411

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Opertaore Telefonke ne Gjermanisht

WeConnect eshte nje kompani telemarketing me seli ne Tirane qe ka si synim kryesor nderlidhjen e klienteve potencial me kompani qe operojne kryesisht ne Gjermani.
Synimi i kompanise eshte te krijoje nje sherbim sa me cilesor ne fushen e reklamimit dhe sherbimit per kompanite e kontraktuara.

Aplikanti duhet te plotesoje kushtet si me poshte:

Duhet te zoteroje gjuhen Gjermane.
Te kete aftesi komunikuese dhe dialogimi per prezantimin e produktit.
Te kete njohuri mjaftueshem ne sistemet operative kompjuterike.
Preferohen aplikantet me nje pervoje te meparshme ne kete fushe.

Dergoni CV-ne tuaj nepermjet e-mail ne adresen [email protected]

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Sunday, February 28, 2016
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NG Pipelines Experts - Albania 2016

Hill International – Albania – Hill International is a U.S. based Project Management and Claims Consultancy firm with offices throughout the World. With over 4,800 employees in 100 offices worldwide, Hill provides program management, project management, construction management and construction claims and consu…

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Army Language Program/MAVNI - U.S. Army - Fort Worth, TX


Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) is a recruiting program that allows legal non-citizens with in-demand skills to join the Army in exchange for expedited U.S. citizenship.Individuals who join the Army through this program are able to move from non-immigrant visa or asylee/refugee/Temporary Protected Status (TPS) directly to citizenship. In most cases participants in the program will become naturalized U.S. citizens by the time they graduate from ten weeks of Basic Combat Training or accept a commission as Army Officers.
Currently, the Army is searching for licensed health care professionals and individuals who can speak more than one language. Read the general requirements below to see if you qualify.


  • Must reside in Fort Worth Area

  • Must have current I-94 (work permit) or a I-20 (student VISA)

  • Applicants must legally reside in the United States for a minimum of TWO years prior to joining the Army (excluding DACA) without a single absence from the country lasting longer than 90 days

  • Applicants must have a high school diploma and a qualifying score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AQFT)

  • Must be 17-34 years old and be under 35 at the time of shipping to BCT


  • Bypass the Green Card process entirely and gain U.S. citizenship

  • Attend high-quality training and gain opportunities for advanced schooling

  • Earn a steady income with benefits for Soldiers and family members

  • Gain leadership skills

  • Earn money for college


Applicants must have a qualifying score on a proficiency test in his or her native language. CURRENT LANGUAGES RECRUITED Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Baluchi, Bengali, Bulgarian, Burmese, Cebuano, Cambodian-Khmer, Chinese, Czech, French (with citizenship from an African Country), Georgian, Haitian Creole, Hausa, Hindi, Hungarian, Ibo/Igbo, Indonesian, Japanese, Kashmiri, Korean, Kurdish, Lao, Malay, Malayalam, Moro (Tausug/Maranao/Maguindanao), Nepalese, Pashto, Persian Dari, Persian Farsi, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Sindhi, Singhalese, Somali, Swahili, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu (with citizenship from Pakistan or Afghanistan), Uzbek, Yoruba

*You are Applying for an ACTIVE DUTY OR RESERVE Enlistment option in Fort Worth TX Area*

Job Type: Full-time

Salary: $40,000.00 /year

Local candidates only:

Required license or certification:

Required education:

  • High school or equivalent

Required language:

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National Coordinator, Tirana (NO-A)

Tirana – United Nations Development Programme | “Papa Gjon Pali II” Street | ABA Business Center, 6th Floor | Tirana, Albania | Tel.: +355 (4) 2400721, 2400722, 2400723, 2400724 | Fax: +355 (4) 2400 725, 2400 726 Organization: Country: City: Office: ILO – National Coordinator L…

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B2B Engineering Specialist

Albania – Coordination of commercial services requests for B2B services Study, design and implementation of Network Services related to ICT, cloud and M2M domains for Business Customers Technical Project management for the end to end implementation and delivery of B2B domain services St…

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Saturday, February 27, 2016
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Administrative Assistant, Tirana, Albania

Tirana – Click the button below to visit the original announcement on the recruiting organization’s website….

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Bussines Sales Representative

Albania – Achieving predefined B2B sales targets in order to contribute to company’s strategic targets. Cross selling and promoting company products and services to current and potential clients. Providing all relevant information, written offers, products and services to the customer an…

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21st Century Transportation Organizer with US PIRG

Pirg, Korçë – 21st Century Transportation Team Advocate U.S. PIRG is hiring a Transportation Advocate for our national 21st Century Transportation Program. We’re looking for an experienced political advocate who will be responsible for media outreach, organizing, developing staff, influencin…

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Prepaid & IN Engineering Specialist

Albania – Implementation of new services in Prepaid &IN elements Study and implementation of new nodes in Prepaid and IN network Preparation of KPI/reports from Prepaid &IN elements Study and implementation upgrades, expansions or enhancements of existing Prepaid & IN network elements …

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National Project Manager, Tirana, Albania

Tirana – Click the button below to visit the original announcement on the recruiting organization’s website….

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Poppy Bar and Snacks kerkon nje nje kuzhinier me kohe te plote.

Kuzhinieri kerkohet per pjata te para, ushqime te ftohta si sallata frutash, perimesh, salca te ndryshme dhe pije te ndryshme me fruta/perime.

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Inxhinier Gjeodet

Realizimi i detyrave per zbatimin e rilevimeve topografike speciale qe kerkojne mjete dhe organizim te vecante, punime topogjeodezike ne objekte inxhinierike, punime speciale gjeodezike; rrjeta mbeshtetese dhe qendrueshmeri terrenesh, si dhe perpunime volumesh.

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Operatore Inboundi

Pro Marketing, leader nel settore Call Center, cerca operatori telefonici per Campagna Inbound Vodafone!

Si richiede:

• Ottima conoscenza della lingua italiana,(capaci di esprimersi in modo fluente in Italiano)

• In grado di fornire assistenza clienti

• Capaci di gestire flussi di comunicazione

• Ottima capacità di problem solving

• Completano il profilo un buon uso del computer

• Esperienza lavorativa in Call Center

Vi offriamo:

• Orari flessibili di lavoro.

• Contratto regolare di lavoro .

• La miglior rettribuzione sul mercato

• Opportunita di crescita professionale.

• Bonus ai massimi livelli di mercato

Adresa:Rruga”Sami Frasheri, 50 m pa arritur tek gjimanzi “Petro Nini Luarasi”,Tirane,

ProMarketing e il posto giusto, al momento giusto !

Siete i benvenuti!

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Friday, February 26, 2016
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VAS Support Specialist

Albania – Job Description…

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Quality Manager (Pipeline)

Intertek – Albania – To set up and implement the quality management processes for the project, verify their adequacy and monitor and audit that the work carried out for and on behalf of the project is in accordance with suitable and approved management systems. To provide the focal point for overall …

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Bussines Sales Representative

Albania – Job Description Achieving predefined B2B sales targets in order to contribute to company’s strategic targets. Cross selling and promoting company products and services to current and potential clients. Providing all relevant information, written offers, products and services…

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Prepaid & IN Engineering Specialist

Albania – Job Description Implementation of new services in Prepaid &IN elements Study and implementation of new nodes in Prepaid and IN network Preparation of KPI/reports from Prepaid &IN elements Study and implementation upgrades, expansions or enhancements of existing Prepaid & IN…

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Army Language / Translator Program - U.S. Army - Fort Worth, TX

Job Description


Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) is a recruiting program that allows legal non-citizens with in-demand skills to join the Army in exchange for expedited U.S. citizenship.Individuals who join the Army through this program are able to move from non-immigrant visa or asylee/refugee/Temporary Protected Status (TPS) directly to citizenship. In most cases participants in the program will become naturalized U.S. citizens by the time they graduate from ten weeks of Basic Combat Training or accept a commission as Army Officers.

Currently, the Army is searching for licensed health care professionals and individuals who can speak more than one language. Read the general requirements below to see if you qualify.


Applicants must be in one of the following categories at the time of their enlistment:

Non-immigrant categories E, F, H, I, J, K, L, M, O, P, Q, R, S, T, TC, TD, TN, U or V

Asylee, refugee, Temporary Protected Status (TPS)

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

Applicants must legally reside in the United States for a minimum of two years prior to joining the Army (excluding DACA) without a single absence from the country lasting longer than 90 days

Applicants must have a high school diploma and a qualifying score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AQFT)

Must be 17-34 years old and be under 35 at the time of shipping to BCT


Bypass the Green Card process entirely and gain U.S. citizenship

Attend high-quality training and gain opportunities for advanced schooling

Earn a steady income with benefits for Soldiers and family members

Gain leadership skills

Earn money for college


Applicants must have a qualifying score on a proficiency test in his or her native language. CURRENT LANGUAGES RECRUITED Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Baluchi, Bengali, Bulgarian, Burmese, Cebuano, Cambodian-Khmer, Chinese, Czech, French (with citizenship from an African Country), Georgian, Haitian Creole, Hausa, Hindi, Hungarian, Ibo/Igbo, Indonesian, Japanese, Kashmiri, Korean, Kurdish, Lao, Malay, Malayalam, Moro (Tausug/Maranao/Maguindanao), Nepalese, Pashto, Persian Dari, Persian Farsi, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Sindhi, Singhalese, Somali, Swahili, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu (with citizenship from Pakistan or Afghanistan), Uzbek, Yoruba


(See job description )

Additional Information

No Experience Required. Training in the career field is at no cost to you, you will receive full pay during training, and benefits start immediately.Career also provides opportunities for rapid advancement and increased pay.

  • Job is for position within the US ARMY/ARMY RESERVES *

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Bussines Sales Representative

T Systems – Tirana – Job ID: 48048 Country: Albania Location: Tirana 1.Overall description of the company A place where change means opportunity for progress and innovation. A place where people with the ambition for peak performance can go beyond what is today and create what is tomorrow. …

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Konsulent Shitjesh

Delta është pjesë e DELTA GROUP ku bëjnë pjesë kompanitë Deutschcolor, Delta Home, Dast, dhe Delta. Delta është lider në tregtimin e pllakave, parketeve, hidrosanitareve dhe shumë aksesorëve të ndryshëm. Gjithashtu zotëron eksluzivitetin e disa kompanive të njohura ndërkombëtare si Aparici, Hansgrohe, Duravit, Geberit, Krono etj. Në fokusin tonë primar janë komunikimi, klima harmonike dhe shpirti I skuadrës në ambjentin e punës. Gjithashtu vlerësimi sipas një skeme motivimi në referencë të performancës dhe vjetërsisë në punë janë një tjetër politikë sociale e grupit tonë. Është kënaqësi për ne të mirëpresim kandidatë që na vlerësojnë dhe dëshirojnë të jenë pjesë e DELTA GROUP.

Për këtë, ju ftojmë të aplikoni për pozicionin: Konsulent Shitjesh

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Koordinatore Blerjesh

Delta është pjesë e DELTA GROUP ku bëjnë pjesë kompanitë Deutschcolor, Delta Home, Dast, dhe Delta. Delta është lider në tregtimin e pllakave, parketeve, hidrosanitareve dhe shumë aksesoreve të ndryshëm. Gjithashtu zotëron eksluzivitetin e disa kompanive të njohura ndërkombëtare si Aparici, Hansgrohe, Duravit, Geberit, Krono etj. Në fokusin tonë primar janë komunikimi, klima harmonike dhe shpirti I skuadrës në ambjentin e punës. Gjithashtu vlerësimi sipas një skeme motivimi/ bonuse, në referencë të performancës dhe vjetërsisë në punë janë një tjetër politik sociale e grupit tonë. Është kënaqësi për ne të mirëpresim kandidatë që na vlerësojnë dhe dëshirojnë të jenë pjesë e DELTA GROUP.

Për këtë, ju ftojmë të aplikoni për pozicionin: Koordinatore Blerjesh

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Te jene diplomuar ne nje nga deget e Fakultetit te Ekonomise.

• Te jene perdorues te mire te programit Financa 5.
• Te pakten 2 vjet experience pune ne pozicione te ngjashme.
• Te jene perdorues te mire te programeve te paketes Ms Office (vecanerisht Excel-i).
• Te kene njohje shume te mire te gjuhes Italiane & Angleze (te folur/te shkruar).
• Te jene te mireorganizuar dhe te sakte.
• Te kene aftesi organizative, kreative dhe te ndihmojne ne dhenien e ideve te reja.
• Te ruajne konfidencialitetin.
• Mosha mbi 25 Vjec.

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All Bilinguist Apply - Business Proz - New York, NY

Bilinguist for educational interpreting event located in New York City Manhattan area please forward your resume and contact information so that way we may contact you no experience is necessary you just need to be bilingual in two or more languages.


Job Type: Contract

Salary: $20.00 /hour

» Apply Now

Please review all application instructions before applying to Business Proz.

» Apply Now

Please review all application instructions before applying to Business Proz.

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Consulenti Telefonici Gas & Luce & ADSL è una azienda italiana di oltre 700 persone, leader nella comparazione di prezzi di polizze auto e moto , mutui, prestiti, conti correnti, tariffe ADSL, luce e gas. ogni mese aiuta 1,5 milioni di italiani a fare la scelta migliore e a risparmiare sulle spese di casa.

*Per tutti gli assunti entro il mese di Marzo un extra Bonus speciale di 15000 lek.

Perchè è diverso dagli altri call center?
· offre assistenza ai consumatori che dopo aver visionato le offerte migliori hanno bisogno di consulenti specializzati che li guidino durante tutto il processo di scelta
· Contattiamo solo clienti che hanno chiesto di essere chiamati o che aspettano di essere chiamati.

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UN Women - International Consultant to Support Tirana Municipality in the Setting up and Operationalization of Women Entrepreneurs Fund - Tirana

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Application Deadline : 29-Feb-16

Education: Advanced degree in economics, public finances and related fields.

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Ju ftojmë të bëheni pjesë e portalit profesional të punësimit, aty ku punëdhënësi dhe punëkërkuesi takohen sëbashku.

Nëse jeni një punëkërkues në kërkim të një pune, klikoni më poshtë Punëkërkues për të proceduar më tej me regjistrimin tuaj.

Nëse jeni një kompani në kërkim të punonjësve të rinj të kualifikuar, klikoni më poshtë Punëdhënës, për tu regjistruar si kompani.

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Deloitte - IT Junior Business Consultant - Tirana

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Deadline for applications: 29 February

The successful candidate should meet the following requirements:
• Bachelor and/or MSc degree in one of the following: Finance, Accounting, Economics, Banking, Economics/Business Informatics related studies.
• Passion and potential in IT solutions field, with focus on Risk or Finance in banking industry; or Risk / Finance / Accounting department in a bank.
• Knowledge of one of the following processes: credit risk management, financial reporting, financial instruments valuation and accounting will be highly appreciated.
• Welcome any experience in successfully completed IT projects in the field of Risk or Finance in the banking industry will be highly appreciated.
• Working knowledge (or readiness to learn) of SQL / relational databases and/or commercial risk management solutions.
• Willingness and full availability to travel extensively and/or work for long periods of time at clients sites and offices situated abroad (especially in EU countries and more) when required.
Mandatory: Fluent English (both speaking and writing). Fluent Italian and/or German shall be welcomed and considered an advantage.

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UN Women - National Consultant to support the workshop on Gender Sensitive Indicators on Media - Tirana

(kliko per te pare oferten)
kliko per tu bere fan

Application Deadline : 02-Mar-16

Education/Academic Qualification: Master’s degree in one of the following areas: social sciences, media and journalism, gender studies, etc.

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FAO - Administrative Assistant - Tirana

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Deadline for submission of your application : by 06 March 2016

Academic qualifications Degree in business administration, public administration, finance, economics or related field;

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Inspektor i Kontrollit Teknik

SGS Automotive Albania, kompania koncensionare e cila ofron shërbimin e kontrollit teknik të automjeteve (kolaudimi) në Shqipëri, ju fton të aplikoni për pozicionin e punës “Inspektor i Kontrollit Teknik”, për të gjitha qytetet ku ka qendra të kontrollit teknik.

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FAO - National Project Manager - Tirana

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Deadline for submission of your application : by 6 March 2016

Academic qualifications: university degree in economics , agronomy , livestock, law , or related field, or equivalent education ;

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Consulenti Telefonici Assicurativi è un’azienda italiana di oltre 700 persone, leader nella comparazione di prezzi di polizze auto e moto, mutui, prestiti, conti correnti, tariffe ADSL, luce e gas. ogni mese aiuta 1,5 milioni di italiani a fare la scelta migliore e a risparmiare sulle spese di casa.

Perchè è diverso dagli altri call center?
• offre assistenza ai consumatori che dopo aver visionato le offerte migliori hanno bisogno di consulenti specializzati che li guidino durante tutto il processo di scelta
•Contattiamo solo clienti che hanno chiesto di essere chiamati o che aspettano di essere chiamati

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Tutor, IRC Adolescent Literacy & Performing Arts After-School Program - International Rescue Committee - New York, NY

Position: Tutor, IRC Adolescent Literacy & Performing Arts After-School Program

Location: Berta A. Dreyfus Intermediate School 49, Staten Island

Reports to: Education & Learning Programs Coordinator

Position term: September-December, January-May (minimum of 1 semester commitment)

Hours: 3 -10 hours per week

For over 75 years the International Rescue Committee has helped refugees escape persecution and rebuild their lives in New York. The IRC New York Youth Program supports personal growth, cultural adjustment, and education of refugee, immigrant, and other youth and their families through partnerships with New York City public schools, community-based organizations and local colleges and universities to provide year-round academic support, literacy training, and enrichment activities.

The IRC has been working on Staten Island’s North Shore since 2006 to increase the number and quality of services available to the Island’s growing refugee and immigrant communities, serving in particular the large Liberian, Sierra Leonean and other West African populations. The IRC runs a dynamic after school Adolescent Literacy & Performing Arts Program at Berta A. Dreyfus Intermediate School 49 (IS 49), supported by the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development.

The IRC’s SPOTLIGHT! Program fuses Literacy instruction with the Performing arts. It runs Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 2:30 pm – 5 pm at IS 49 in Staten Island. The Program employs multiple strategies to improve reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills among 25 students reading below grade level and fuses literacy instruction with the performing arts (dance & theater) to help students reading below grade level (achieved Level 2 on the City or State English Language Arts exams) to improve their literacy skills. Weekly theater workshops culminate in performances twice per year. The goal for each participant at the time of program completion is to be reading and writing at grade level.

Set up and prepare for day’s activities

Review lesson plans daily, understand activities, and be prepared to assist instructors

Assist instructors to tutor students during individual and small group activities

Assist Instructors to clean up materials and return them to the program office after class

Assist teachers to enforce program rules and follow program routines to create safe and productive learning environment

Take attendance

Work and communicate consistently with IRC staff, volunteers, and school personnel as needed

Other related duties as assigned


Reliable and flexible

Participate in an IRC Youth Program Orientation and Trainings

Experience & commitment to working with youth, preferably adolescents reading below grade level and English Language Learners

Willing to learn about cross-cultural communication and ethnic backgrounds of clients

Willing to adhere to IRC volunteer and workplace policies

Ability to communicate clearly and effectively in English

Proficiency in second language desirable: West African dialects, Spanish, French, Haitian Creole, Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, or Albanian

Interested applicants should submit a resume and cover letter at . Applications will be reviewed and interviews conducted on a rolling basis. The internship is unpaid.

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UN Women - National Consultant to provide assistance in the implementation of the Project. Preventing and addressing violence against women and girls in Albania - Tirana

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Application Deadline : 01-Mar-16

Academic requirements: Advanced degree in social studies, preferably gender studies or related disciplines.

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Supervizor/e Shitjesh

Agjencia e Punësimit “Profesionisti” kërkon të punësojë për klientin e saj, një prej kompanive më të mëdha të distribucionit të produkteve të Çajit dhe Kafes në Shqipëri, një Supervizor/e Shitjesh.

Përshkrim i Përgjithshëm
Supervizori i Shitjeve është një person energjik dhe i orientuar ndaj rezultatit, i cili ka në fokus promovimin dhe shitjen e produkteve si dhe menaxhimin me profesionalizëm të klientëve duke ruajtur standardet e larta të krijuara nga kompania.

Përgjegjësitë Kryesore
· Identifikimi dhe takimi me klientë ekzistues, potencial dhe të rinj, me qëllim përmbushjen e objektivave të përcaktuara;
· Promovimi dhe shitja e produkteve të Kompanisë (të tilla si: Çaj, Cappuccino, Çokollatë e nxehtë dhe Kakao);
· Kujdesi deri në detaj ndaj respektimit të standardeve të Merchandising të Kompanisë;
· Mbajtja e kontakteve të vazhdueshme me klientët e Kompanisë, me qëllim rritjen e cilësisë së shërbimit;
· Ndërtimi dhe plotësimi i detajuar i databazës për pikat e shitjes;
· Hartimi i raporteve të detajuara sipas standardeve dhe afateve të përcaktuara.

Kualifikimet Dhe Aftësitë
· Preferohet të ketë përvojë të mëparshme në shitje në sektorin HORECA;
· Të ndjehet komod/e me promovimin dhe shitjet në terren;
· Të ketë përfunduar arsimin e lartë, preferohet në Menaxhim ose shkencat Ekonomike;
· Të ketë aftësi shumë të mira komunikuese, prezantuese dhe promovuese;
· Të zotërojë leje për drejtim mjeti, Klasi B.

Aplikoni tek [email protected] me CV-në tuaj bashkangjitur.

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NY Citizenship and Immigration Intern (Unpaid) - International Rescue Committee - New York, NY

The Citizenship and Immigration Intern will help provide legal services to clients seeking various forms of immigration assistance.


  • Assist immigration staff in helping refugees, asylees, and other immigrants apply for adjustment of status (green cards), United States citizenship, family petitions and other immigration benefits:

o Conduct initial eligibility assessments of potential applicants;

o Assist with accurate completion of application forms for clients;

o Notify clients via telephone or mailings about matters related to their applications;

o Assist clients with additional necessary procedures, such as requests for evidence and follow-up advocacy

  • Help conduct outreach to refugees and other immigrants in need of assistance with immigration-related matters:

o Assist with immigration and citizenship informational forums;

o Conduct outreach mailings;

o Help distribute flyers and pamphlets;

  • Assist immigration team with tracking, filing, and mailing relevant documents, applications, and notices of action;

  • Maintain up-to-date client data in online immigration data base;

  • Other related duties as assigned by the Resettlement Director or Citizenship Initiative Program Manager.

  • The intern reports to the Citizenship Initiative Program Manager


  • JD candidate/law student preferred; will consider a college student

  • Fluency in one of the following languages very strongly preferred: Albanian, Arabic, Bosnian, Burmese, Cantonese, Farsi, Hindi, Karen, Korean, Mandarin, Nepali, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, Vietnamese.

  • Familiar with the mission of IRC and willing to represent it appropriately

  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively with refugees, asylees and other immigrants

  • Ability to work well with a culturally diverse staff

  • Prior experience in immigration a plus

  • Part or full-time internship; more than one position available

For more information on our Citizenship and Immigration Program please click HERE

Please apply at

109 reviews

The International Rescue Committee responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their…

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UN Women - National Consultant for Launching Women Empowerment Principles Raising the business and social case for gender equality and women’s economic empowerment principles in Tirana Municipality

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Application Deadline : 29-Feb-16

Education/Academic Qualification: Advanced degree in the areas of humanities, law, social sciences , economy, gender studies or similar;

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VAS Support Specialist

 University degree in Telecommunication (preferred to be with 3+2 system completed) or Computer Science (Informatics)
1-2 Years of experience on the field.
PC Skills
Good knowledge on the OS (UNIX, LINUX, etc), DB (Oracle, Informix, etc)
Competencies/ soft skills
Good knowledge on scripting and VAS applications
Language skills
Very well written and spoken English
Working overtimes, performing standby duty and participating in night activities

You can apply at Telekom Albania web page: till 03 March 2016.

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Business Sales Representative

•University Degree
•Previous experience in sales, advertising, sales promoting techniques and marketing
PC Skills
•Proficiency in MS Office package

Competencies/ soft skills
•Sales drive
•Previous experience in sales, advertising, sales promoting techniques and marketing
•Self confidence, and ability to work in team
•Excellent communication skills

Language skills
•Very good English knowledge.

You can apply at Telekom Albania web page: till 03 March 2016.

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Supervizor Fushate Promocionesh/Shitjesh

Globe Williams kërkon Supervizor Fushate Promocionesh/Shitjesh, për klientin e saj, i cili është një ndër kompanitë më të mëdha ndërkombëtare që operon në tregun Shqiptar.

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Agjent Shitje

Kompania “ALL BALCANS CORPORATION” (AlbanCorp Group) sh.a është një kompani distribucioni e mallrave të konsumit, e vendosur në Tiranë dhe e themeluar në vitin 1995, me një eksperiencë prej 20 vitesh në tregun shqiptar.

Kompania “ALL BALCANS CORPORATION” sh.a ofron një portofol cilësor dhe konkurrues të bazuar në nevojat e konsumatorëve vendas. Me rrjetin tonë mbarëkombëtare të shpërndarjes, ne ofrojmë produkte me cilësi të lartë të kompanive të njohura për çdo familje në Shqipëri.

Klientët janë partnerët tanë: Ne tashmë kryejmë shpërndarje të mallrave në më shumë se 7000 klientë në të gjithë Shqipërinë.

Partnerët tanë të Biznesit janë BEIERSDORF, GlaxoSmithKline, Mondelez International, Manner, Arcor dhe Trompenburg, Friesland Campina, Mutti.

Produktet tona në Kategorinë “Përkujdesje Personale” numërohen NIVEA Visage, NIVEA for men, Labello, Aquafresh, Sensodyne, Parodontax & Corega, Nivea Body Essential Line products, Nivea Hair Care products, Nivea Baby Care products, Nivea Sun products etj.

Në kategorinë “Ushqimore” numërohen të gjitha produktet nën emrin Milka, Toblerone dhe Manner, vafera të brand-it Napoli, biskota të kripura dhe të ëmbla nën emrin Barni, Milka Soft Cake, Milka Biscuits, TUC, Elvita, Horega, karamele dhe camcakëza si Trident Splash & Senses, Poosh, Bonibon, Olips, Missbon dhe Barkleys, bustinat e kafes nën emrin e njohur Jacobs, salca për pasta nën emrin Mutti, djathi i shkrirë nën emrin e njohur Philadelphia, qumësht dhe drithëra për fëmijë të porsalindur, qumësht të pasterizuar për të rritur dhe fëmijë nën emrin NOYNOY, Frisolac, Frisomel, Frisogrow, kos frutash nën emrin Campina Fruttis dhe Yogfun, etj.

Kompania “ALL BALCANS CORPORATION” sh.a kërkon të punësojë 3 pozicione:

2 Agjent Shitje dhe 1 Agjent Merchandiser

Departamenti Komercial

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Thursday, February 25, 2016
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Cabin Crew Recruitment Event Tirana 05th March 2016 – Tirana – From experienced pilots to dynamic professionals embarking on new careers, Qatar Airways is searching for talented individuals to join our award-winning team. We take pride in our people – a dynamic and culturally diverse workforce is essential to why we are one of the finest an…

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B2B Engineering Specialist

Albania – Job Description Coordination of commercial services requests for B2B services Study, design and implementation of Network Services related to ICT, cloud and M2M domains for Business Customers Technical Project management for the end to end implementation and delivery of B2B …

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Civil Works Inspector

Statkraft – Moglicë, Korçë – Devoll Hydropower Sh.A. (DHP) is an Albanian registered company, owned and operated by the Norwegian power company Statkraft AS. In line with a Concession Agreement signed and approved by the Albanian Parliament in 2009, Devoll Hydropower will develop, construct and operate hydro…

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Menaxher shitje rajonal (lokal) Fier

Menaxher shitje rajonal (lokal) ne zone Lushnje, Fier, Vlore me qender ne Fier.

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Teller -Rreshen Branch

Skills/ Qualifications
To own an Economic University Degree;
Good mathematics skills in order to facilitate daily re-conciliation process;
Strong communication skills;
To have excellent knowledge of PC, and also to fill in numeric data correctly and fast;
To be practical and caring towards works dealing with money;
To work under pressure.

Tel. :
Cel. :

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Operatori per un’attività di assistenza clienti via chat in forma scritta.

PARR Sh.p.K, società di gestione crediti con sede a Tirana, Kryqezimi i Rruges Irfan Tomini me
Bulevardin Gjergj Fishta, ricerca operatori per un’attività di assistenza clienti via chat in forma scritta.

Si richiede:
– ottima conoscenza della lingua italiana scritta;
– buon utilizzo dei sistemi informatici;
– disponibilità a svolgere un Part Time di 6 ore su turni alternati dal lunedì alla domenica,nella fascia oraria 9:00-24:00, con un giorno di riposo variabile.

Si offre:
– regolare contratto di lavoro con versamento dei contributi previdenziali;
– compenso tra i più competitivi sul mercato;
– un periodo di formazione retribuita di circa 3 settimane;
– possibilità di crescita professionale.

Sede di lavoro: Tirana

Le persone interessate potranno inviare la loro candidatura all’indirizzo: [email protected] 

oppure consegnare il proprio CV presso gli uffici siti in Kryqezimi i Rruges Irfan Tomini me Bulevardin Gjergj Fishta, Tirane
Telefono: 0697432451

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Senior Specialist Banking Business - Tirana Branches

To provide new corporate customers.

To know very well corporate banking products and to assimilate constantly product changes.

To be well-informed of corporate banking products and services characteristics and competitors banking products Gather financial data of the company.

To prepare financial analysis, report and completing the loan file.

To rank the businesses that he/she covers in groups and make a strategy for each group.

To organize meetings with existing and new customers providing a fast and correct service, also to inform at the same time these customers about the new products and services that BKT offers.

To keep in mind the profitability of the bank while discussing the products price that the bank offers.

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Campagna solo Appuntamenti - Per Operatori e Team leader

CAMPAGNA SOLO Appuntamenti – Per Operatori e Team leader

















PER CANDIDARSI INVIARE CV A : [email protected]




VOD CLUB 0696813457

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• Menaxhimi, regjistrimi i arkes dhe te gjitha veprimeve shoqeruese ne sistem

• Kryen transaksionet bankare sipas politikave e procedurave te vendosura dhe pasqyron veprimet ne sistem ne kohe reale.

• Raporton gjendjen e cash-it ne baza ditore.

• Hedh ne sistem gjithe faturat e blerjes, shperndan kostot shtese.

• Ndjek gjithe procesin e cdoganimit te mallit, nga moment I njoftimit per pagese deri ne hedhjen e fatures.

• Ndjek afatet e pagesave sipas termave te paracaktuara.

• Raporton per balancat e furnitoreve dhe klienteve ne baza mujore.

• Kontrollon dhe sistemon llogarite financiare.

• Ndjek librat e blerjeve dhe te shitjeve ne baza mujore.

• Deklarim I punonjesve dhe dokumentacioni shoqerues.

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Army Language Program - U.S. Army - Fort Worth, TX


Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) is a recruiting program that allows legal non-citizens with in-demand skills to join the Army in exchange for expedited U.S. citizenship.Individuals who join the Army through this program are able to move from non-immigrant visa or asylee/refugee/Temporary Protected Status (TPS) directly to citizenship. In most cases participants in the program will become naturalized U.S. citizens by the time they graduate from ten weeks of Basic Combat Training or accept a commission as Army Officers.
Currently, the Army is searching for licensed health care professionals and individuals who can speak more than one language. Read the general requirements below to see if you qualify.


  • Applicants must be in one of the following categories at the time of their enlistment:

  • Non-immigrant categories E, F, H, I, J, K, L, M, O, P, Q, R, S, T, TC, TD, TN, U or V

  • Asylee, refugee, Temporary Protected Status (TPS)

  • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

  • Applicants must legally reside in the United States for a minimum of two years prior to joining the Army (excluding DACA) without a single absence from the country lasting longer than 90 days

  • Applicants must have a high school diploma and a qualifying score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AQFT)

  • Must be 17-34 years old and be under 35 at the time of shipping to BCT


  • Bypass the Green Card process entirely and gain U.S. citizenship

  • Attend high-quality training and gain opportunities for advanced schooling

  • Earn a steady income with benefits for Soldiers and family members

  • Gain leadership skills

  • Earn money for college


Applicants must have a qualifying score on a proficiency test in his or her native language. CURRENT LANGUAGES RECRUITED Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Baluchi, Bengali, Bulgarian, Burmese, Cebuano, Cambodian-Khmer, Chinese, Czech, French (with citizenship from an African Country), Georgian, Haitian Creole, Hausa, Hindi, Hungarian, Ibo/Igbo, Indonesian, Japanese, Kashmiri, Korean, Kurdish, Lao, Malay, Malayalam, Moro (Tausug/Maranao/Maguindanao), Nepalese, Pashto, Persian Dari, Persian Farsi, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Sindhi, Singhalese, Somali, Swahili, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu (with citizenship from Pakistan or Afghanistan), Uzbek, Yoruba


Job Type: Full-time

Salary: $40,000.00 /year

Local candidates only:

Required experience:

  • No more than 90 days outside the US and resided in the States for no less than 2 years: 2 years

Required license or certification:

Required education:

  • High school or equivalent

Required language:

» Apply Now

Please review all application instructions before applying to U.S. Army.

» Apply Now

Please review all application instructions before applying to U.S. Army.

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Teknik i Fibres Optike

ABISSNET eshte shoqeria e dyte me e madhe ne vend qe kryen veprimtarinë e saj në fushën e telekomunikacionit duke ofruar shërbime të internetit dhe telefonisë fikse, Ip TV ,Hosting,Domain e tj për klientët e saj, në të gjithë territorin e Shqipërisë.

Shoqeria Abissnet shpall post vacant Teknik i Fibres Optike

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Distributed Applications Developer Senior Officer - Software Development & Application Management Department / IT

• Participate in the following steps of application development process (projects, SoW or changes)

o Requirements analysis/ solution proposal

o Component implementation

o User Interface design

• Responsible for analysis and design, development, maintenance for the following software

applications and interfaces:

o Centaur – Cards management system and Online Cards Interface

o Integrator service – main service catalog used by all satellite applications to interface Core Banking System.

o ABACUS – back office calculation engine for lending past dues

o Poena – Provisions calculation system

o APA – automatic payment system

o E-Channels Mobile Banking solution and M-Pay service

• Report development progress and issues which may affect delivery as scheduled

• Provide support for users to make the best benefit from the systems they use.

• Provide systems information in a readable format with reports or other formats.

• Investigate issues, problems or events happened in the systems.

• Follows the guidelines of development and contributes on developing and refining them


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Menaxher i Shitjeve Biznes

1. Prezanton dhe shet produktet dhe sherbimet e kompanise tek klientet potenciale.

2. Mban maredhenie duke I kontaktuar vazhdimisht klientet ekzistues te portofolit .

3. Pergjigjet kerkesave specifike te bizneseve.

4. Pergjegjes per mbajtien dhe update-in e klienteve biznes.

5. Menaxhon marredheniet dhe kontratat per lidhje ne godina te caktuara (qendra biznesi, etj.)

6. Menaxhon dokumentacionin dhe kontratat me biznesin.

7. Menaxhon klientet biznes te larguar ose qe kane kohe qe nuk kane paguar .

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Toponymist-Linguist (MACSM) - Celestar Corporation - St. Louis, MO

The Celestar Corporation has an IMMEDIATE NEED to identify multiple TOPONYMIST – LINGUIST – GEONAMES SPECIALISTS for an upcoming contract re-compete. Please review the position description below. If interested and qualified, we welcome you to apply for this challenging opportunity.

CLEARANCE REQUIREMENT: Active Top Secret Level Clearance with SCI Access; Clearance, Access and Investigation must appear in JPAS and be within scope (5 – Years)


Don’t Limit Yourself to One Company – Keep Your Options Open!

Your Expressed Interest will be kept in the Strictest of Confidence!





The largest agency directorate and supporter of GEOINT Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) is the Analysis Directorate. This directorate assists in providing timely, relevant, accurate GEOINT analysis, data, and services to customers in support of the national security. The Analysis Directorate does so by producing products and technical support that serves the constantly growing national and international demand for imagery and geospatial applications—mapping, navigation, environmental monitoring, urban planning, resource management, homeland defense, national security, and emergency preparedness.

The second largest agency directorate and user of GEOINT FTEs is the Source Operations and Management Directorate. The Source Directorate provides the ability to register and adjudicate GEOINT users needs, develop strategies to acquire or produce all GEOINT sources, and manage/monitor the delivery of all GEOINT sources to those creating actionable intelligence. This mission is accomplished through identifying existing source material in agency holdings or accessible from our GEOINT partners worldwide, gathering existing geospatial data and imagery from our US and foreign production partners, and creating products and data giving the select agency the ability to “Know the Earth … Show the Way”. The Source Directorate is responsible for national satellite imagery, commercial and airborne imagery and GEOINT foundation data–including elevation, feature, and gravity data. Source data is any resource that contributes to the creation of GEOINT and encompasses imagery, mapping, and any data describing the Earth’s natural and manmade features, as well as activities that can be referenced.


Analyze and combine information associated with feature data listed in the Geographic Names Database (GNDB)

Conduct analysis of political geography while providing native knowledge and guidance to non-native linguists and other non-linguist personnel

Use native language skill to make corrections to original spellings from non-native and native map sources.

Prepare files and maps for work, accurately entering data to maintain and update the associated records.

Scan geo-reference, research, and order map sources and commercial imagery that will be used as reference sources as well as verify the proper spelling of names and other metadata.

Interpret and apply policies governing the treatment of names as well as general guidelines emanating from the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (U.S. BGN), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and other related organizations.


Specialized experience in one or more of the following: Russian, Greek, Arabic, Farsi, Korean, French, Spanish, Thai, Albanian, Serbian, Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, Vietnamese, Indian, and Bangladesh-Experience with English, Indonesian, Mandarin Chinese, Uzbek, Pashto, or Dari language

Achieve an Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) Level 2 for Reading within the last Year


High School Diploma with 1-3 Years experience

Basic familiarity with computer operations

Knowledge of data retrieval/storage and generating reports

Knowledge of computer programs

Must be able to communicate effectively orally and in writing; must have a working knowledge of all Microsoft applications (i.e., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access)

Basic knowledge of geography, cartography, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS): geography, map skills, understanding of GIS application/geospatial analysis

Basic knowledge of research gathering: Internet search tools, library functions (query, ordering, etc)

Active Top Secret Level Clearance with SCI Access; Clearance, Access and Investigation must appear in JPAS and be within scope (5 – Years) – Polygraph May Be Required


High School Diploma with 3-10 Years experience; A Bachelor Degree in a related field may count for up to four years of this experience

Advanced familiarity with computer operations

Knowledge of data retrieval/storage and generating reports

Must be able to communicate effectively orally and in writing; must have a strong working knowledge of all Microsoft applications (i.e., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access)

Basic knowledge of geography, cartography, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS): geography, map skills, understanding of GIS application/geospatial analysis

Basic knowledge of research gathering: Internet search tools, library functions (query, ordering, etc)

Active Top Secret Level Clearance with SCI Access; Clearance, Access and Investigation must appear in JPAS and be within scope (5 – Years) – Polygraph May Be Required


High School Diploma with 10-20 Years experience; A Bachelor Degree in a related field may count for up to four years of this experience – A Master’s Degree in a related field may count for up to two additional years of this experience

Advanced familiarity with computer operations

Knowledge of data retrieval/storage and generating reports

Must be able to communicate effectively orally and in writing; must have a strong working knowledge of all Microsoft applications (i.e., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access)

Advanced knowledge of geography, cartography, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS): strong knowledge of geography; advanced map reading skills; skills, knowledge, and understanding of GIS application/geospatial analysis

Advanced knowledge of research gathering: Internet search tools, library functions (query, ordering, etc)

Must be proficient in customer service skills

Active Top Secret Level Clearance with SCI Access; Clearance, Access and Investigation must appear in JPAS and be within scope (5 – Years) – Polygraph May Be Required


High School Diploma with 20+ Years experience; A Bachelor Degree in a related field may count for up to four years of this experience – A Master’s Degree in a related field may count for up to two additional years of this experience – A Doctorate Degree in a related field may count up to three years of this experience

Advanced familiarity with computer operations

Knowledge of data retrieval/storage and generating reports

Must be able to communicate effectively orally and in writing; must have a strong working knowledge of all Microsoft applications (i.e., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access)

Advanced knowledge of geography, cartography, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS): strong knowledge of geography; advanced map reading skills; skills, knowledge, and understanding of GIS application/geospatial analysis

Advanced knowledge of research gathering: Internet search tools, library functions (query, ordering, etc)

Must be proficient in customer service skills

Active Top Secret Level Clearance with SCI Access; Clearance, Access and Investigation must appear in JPAS and be within scope (5 – Years) – Polygraph May Be Required

Come onboard with a company that Values its Employees!

Celestar, a Veteran Owned Company, is Very Competitive with Salaries and Benefits. As an example, we offer Company Paid Benefits that include Employee and Family Dental Insurance, Employee Health Insurance, Life Insurance and Short Term Disability Insurance. We also offer a 401k retirement company match, paid Holidays and Personal Time Off!

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UNDP - SEESAC Technical Adviser - Tirana

(kliko per te pare oferten)
kliko per tu bere fan

Application Deadline : 28-Feb-16

Education: Master’s Degree or equivalent in Armament-Ammunition studies or other relevant area

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Menaxher Klienti/Biznes i Vogël

Përgjegjësitë kryesore përfshijnë:

1. Bën shitje të kryqëzuar të produkteve dhe shërbimeve të Bankës si depozita, kredi, transferta etj.kryesisht në terren

2. Forcon marrëdhëniet me klientët ekzistues dhe siguron që vlera e tyre të rritet

3. Ndërton dhe zhvillon një portofol klientësh me produkt kryesor kredi për Biznesin e Vogël dhe siguron shërbim të shkëlqyer

4. Mbledh dokumentat përkatës të kredi-kërkuesve si dhe kryen vizita pranë ambienteve të klientëve

5. Kryen analizën financiare të biznesit dhe vlerëson aftësinë paguese të tij

6. Njeh shumë mirë produktet e Bankës si dhe ato të konkurentëve

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Toponymist-Linguist (MACSM) - Celestar Corporation - Springfield, VA

The Celestar Corporation has an IMMEDIATE NEED to identify multiple TOPONYMIST – LINGUIST – GEONAMES SPECIALISTS for an upcoming contract re-compete. Please review the position description below. If interested and qualified, we welcome you to apply for this challenging opportunity.

CLEARANCE REQUIREMENT: Active Top Secret Level Clearance with SCI Access; Clearance, Access and Investigation must appear in JPAS and be within scope (5 – Years)


Don’t Limit Yourself to One Company – Keep Your Options Open!

Your Expressed Interest will be kept in the Strictest of Confidence!





The largest agency directorate and supporter of GEOINT Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) is the Analysis Directorate. This directorate assists in providing timely, relevant, accurate GEOINT analysis, data, and services to customers in support of the national security. The Analysis Directorate does so by producing products and technical support that serves the constantly growing national and international demand for imagery and geospatial applications—mapping, navigation, environmental monitoring, urban planning, resource management, homeland defense, national security, and emergency preparedness.

The second largest agency directorate and user of GEOINT FTEs is the Source Operations and Management Directorate. The Source Directorate provides the ability to register and adjudicate GEOINT users needs, develop strategies to acquire or produce all GEOINT sources, and manage/monitor the delivery of all GEOINT sources to those creating actionable intelligence. This mission is accomplished through identifying existing source material in agency holdings or accessible from our GEOINT partners worldwide, gathering existing geospatial data and imagery from our US and foreign production partners, and creating products and data giving the select agency the ability to “Know the Earth … Show the Way”. The Source Directorate is responsible for national satellite imagery, commercial and airborne imagery and GEOINT foundation data–including elevation, feature, and gravity data. Source data is any resource that contributes to the creation of GEOINT and encompasses imagery, mapping, and any data describing the Earth’s natural and manmade features, as well as activities that can be referenced.


Analyze and combine information associated with feature data listed in the Geographic Names Database (GNDB)

Conduct analysis of political geography while providing native knowledge and guidance to non-native linguists and other non-linguist personnel

Use native language skill to make corrections to original spellings from non-native and native map sources.

Prepare files and maps for work, accurately entering data to maintain and update the associated records.

Scan geo-reference, research, and order map sources and commercial imagery that will be used as reference sources as well as verify the proper spelling of names and other metadata.

Interpret and apply policies governing the treatment of names as well as general guidelines emanating from the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (U.S. BGN), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and other related organizations.


Specialized experience in one or more of the following: Russian, Greek, Arabic, Farsi, Korean, French, Spanish, Thai, Albanian, Serbian, Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, Vietnamese, Indian, and Bangladesh-Experience with English, Indonesian, Mandarin Chinese, Uzbek, Pashto, or Dari language

Achieve an Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) Level 2 for Reading within the last Year


High School Diploma with 1-3 Years experience

Basic familiarity with computer operations

Knowledge of data retrieval/storage and generating reports

Knowledge of computer programs

Must be able to communicate effectively orally and in writing; must have a working knowledge of all Microsoft applications (i.e., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access)

Basic knowledge of geography, cartography, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS): geography, map skills, understanding of GIS application/geospatial analysis

Basic knowledge of research gathering: Internet search tools, library functions (query, ordering, etc)

Active Top Secret Level Clearance with SCI Access; Clearance, Access and Investigation must appear in JPAS and be within scope (5 – Years) – Polygraph May Be Required


High School Diploma with 3-10 Years experience; A Bachelor Degree in a related field may count for up to four years of this experience

Advanced familiarity with computer operations

Knowledge of data retrieval/storage and generating reports

Must be able to communicate effectively orally and in writing; must have a strong working knowledge of all Microsoft applications (i.e., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access)

Basic knowledge of geography, cartography, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS): geography, map skills, understanding of GIS application/geospatial analysis

Basic knowledge of research gathering: Internet search tools, library functions (query, ordering, etc)

Active Top Secret Level Clearance with SCI Access; Clearance, Access and Investigation must appear in JPAS and be within scope (5 – Years) – Polygraph May Be Required


High School Diploma with 10-20 Years experience; A Bachelor Degree in a related field may count for up to four years of this experience – A Master’s Degree in a related field may count for up to two additional years of this experience

Advanced familiarity with computer operations

Knowledge of data retrieval/storage and generating reports

Must be able to communicate effectively orally and in writing; must have a strong working knowledge of all Microsoft applications (i.e., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access)

Advanced knowledge of geography, cartography, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS): strong knowledge of geography; advanced map reading skills; skills, knowledge, and understanding of GIS application/geospatial analysis

Advanced knowledge of research gathering: Internet search tools, library functions (query, ordering, etc)

Must be proficient in customer service skills

Active Top Secret Level Clearance with SCI Access; Clearance, Access and Investigation must appear in JPAS and be within scope (5 – Years) – Polygraph May Be Required


High School Diploma with 20+ Years experience; A Bachelor Degree in a related field may count for up to four years of this experience – A Master’s Degree in a related field may count for up to two additional years of this experience – A Doctorate Degree in a related field may count up to three years of this experience

Advanced familiarity with computer operations

Knowledge of data retrieval/storage and generating reports

Must be able to communicate effectively orally and in writing; must have a strong working knowledge of all Microsoft applications (i.e., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access)

Advanced knowledge of geography, cartography, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS): strong knowledge of geography; advanced map reading skills; skills, knowledge, and understanding of GIS application/geospatial analysis

Advanced knowledge of research gathering: Internet search tools, library functions (query, ordering, etc)

Must be proficient in customer service skills

Active Top Secret Level Clearance with SCI Access; Clearance, Access and Investigation must appear in JPAS and be within scope (5 – Years) – Polygraph May Be Required

Come onboard with a company that Values its Employees!

Celestar, a Veteran Owned Company, is Very Competitive with Salaries and Benefits. As an example, we offer Company Paid Benefits that include Employee and Family Dental Insurance, Employee Health Insurance, Life Insurance and Short Term Disability Insurance. We also offer a 401k retirement company match, paid Holidays and Personal Time Off!

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UNDP - Communication Expert for short web based advertisement under the GEF/UNDP Project “Establishing Albania’s Environmental Information Management and Monitoring System aligned with the global environmental reporting - Tirana

(kliko per te pare oferten)
kliko per tu bere fan

Application Deadline : 28-Feb-16

Education: University degree in communication, Public Relations, marketing or relevant fields preferred.

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Staf Hoteli Durres

Recepsioniste Femer ( Durres)
Te percaktoje statusin e dhomave per shitje si dhe te perditesoj sistemin e rezervimeve
Ti pergjigjet kerkesave te klienteve per sherbime te ndryshme
Te beje koordinimin me Housekeeping per pastrimin e dhomave
Te jete e afte per shprendarjen e informacionit sipas departamenteve perkatese
Te kete mbaruar universitetin.

Rroge e kenaqeshme
Sigurime te paguara
Pune afatgjate

Shenim. Studimi ne fushen e hotelerise perben avantazh

Kamarier ( Durres)

Të kenë të paktën 3 vjet experience ne Bar/Restorante 
Të kenë aftësi shumë të mira komunikues
Të kenë prezencë të mirë.

Rroge e kenaqeshme
Sigurime te paguara
Pune afatgjate

Banakier ( Durres)
Te kete aftesi shume te mira njohese te pijeve te barit dhe permbajtjeve te tyre per te bere sygjerime te klienteve me qellim promovimin e tyre.
Te jete i gatshem per te punuar ne turne te ndryshme.
Aftesi te mira organizative dhe i afte te perballoje fluksin e punes
Te kete njohuri mbi politikat e perdorimit te alcoolit dhe liquereve.

Rroge e kenaqeshme
Sigurime te paguara
Pune afatgjate

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Teller-Tirana Branches

Teller-Tirana Branches

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Supervizor shitjesh

BBD Sh.p.k, distributor zyrtar për tregëtimin e markes së njohur Franck Espresso kërkon të punesoj punonjës të kualifikuar në pozicionin e Supervizor Shitjesh.

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Customer Care

Find sh.p.k is an online marketing services company, with 75 full time employees, specialized in promoting the brand With its seats in England and Italy, our group operates successfully since five years in the area of sports betting. Following its policy to expand its activity even in Albania, Find sh.p.k is looking for:

Customer Care
– Self-started, organized and team spirit
– Very positive attitude, polite and patient
– Excellent English knowledge (spoken and written)
– Fluent Italian (spoken and written)
– Experienced in sales and customer service
– Knowledgeable in sport betting will be a bonus

If you need to get more information about our company, you may watch this video presentation

Only the candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
The interested candidates are invited to apply at [email protected], specifying the position they are applying for.
Mobile: 069 9915692
Address: Blv. Zhan D’Ark, Wonder Building, near Foreign Ministry, 2Floor, Tirana, Albania.
The candidates contacted for the interview, are pleased to visit our site

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016
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Operatore Telefonie ne fushen shendetesore!

Life Shpk

Kerkon operatore telefonie qe jane te interesuar te punojne ne fushen e shendetesise ne gjuhen italiane.
Per te gjithe ata studente apo te diplomuar qe vazhdojne dege te tilla si :
– farmaci,
– stomatologji,
– infermieri,
– mjeksi, qe kerkojne nje pune part – time dhe qe deshirojne te punojne ne fushen e studimeve te tyre mund te paraqiten prane zyrave tona per te bere nje interviste, ose mund te aplikoni duke derguar cv – ne tuaj ne gjuhen italiane ne adresen; [email protected]

Adresa :Rruga Barrikadave, pallati Galeria e Tiranes, nr. 6, (ish kinema 17 Nentori).

Do te kontaktohen vetem personat qe plotesojne kriteret.

Ju mirepresim!

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